Animation services within the structure of the hotel product. Abstract: Definition of animation in tourism and hospitality Animation as a technology and type of tourism activity


Parameter name Meaning
Rubric (thematic category) Sport


Lecture 1. Animation as a type of activity. Functions of tourist animation

Minutes No. 1 were adopted at the meeting of the Department of Service and Tourism Technologies on 08/31/10

Lecture notes were developed in accordance with the work program of the discipline DS.02.02 Animation service in specialty 100103 Social and cultural service and tourism


Lecture notes

Electronic educational and methodological complex for disciplines

DS.02.02 Animation service

Social and cultural service and tourism

Institute of Service Technologies and Design

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Summary on the topic

Review questions

1. What is the importance of soups in nutrition?

2. By what criteria are soups classified?

3. Characterize and describe the technology for preparing individual groups of soups.

4. What are the requirements for the quality and storage of soups of various groups?

The nutritional significance and classification of soups are considered. The technology is presented and the requirements for the quality and storage of soups of various groups are described.

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Khakass State University named after. N.F. Katanovaʼʼ

(as a manuscript)

2. Developer:

Yulia Ivanovna Morudenko, senior lecturer at the Department of Service and Tourism Technologies

Head of the Department of Service and Tourism Technologies Khortova Marina Viktorovna

Concepts: animation, animation technology. Goals and objectives. Types and functions of animation. Analysis of foreign and domestic entertainment and animation sectors.

  1. Galperina T.I. Acting skills in the activities of a tourist animation manager: Educational manual. -M.: RIB “Tourist”, 2004.
  2. Garanin N.I., Bulygina I.I. Management of tourist and hotel animation: Textbook. - M.: Soviet sport, 2004.
  3. Kurilo L.V. Theory and practice of anation. - M.: Soviet sport, 2006
  4. Priezzheva E. M. Social and cultural animation in tourism: Educational and methodological manual. - M.: RIB “Tourist”, 2003.

Recently, more and more tourism and hotel enterprises have begun to care about providing such additional services as animation.

This word quickly caught on among tourism specialists. Animators are specialists in organizing leisure time at tourist enterprises, sanatoriums and other health institutions. Very often, when they say the word “animator,” they immediately explain: “mass entertainer.” At the same time, the modern concept of animation is somewhat broader.

The term “animation” (from Latin) “to revive, inspire, spiritualize” first appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in France in connection with the introduction of a law on the creation of various associations and was interpreted as an activity aimed at provoking and enhancing a keen interest in culture and artistic creativity.

By the end of the 20th century, cultural animation already represented an independent direction in the field of cultural leisure.

Animation in tourism perceived as activities to develop and provide special programs for spending free time . Animation programs include sports games and competitions, dance evenings, carnivals, games, hobbies, and activities within the sphere of spiritual interests. Hence, touranimator- a specialist involved in the development of individual and collective animation programs.

Under the animation program we mean a plan for conducting tourist, physical education, recreational, cultural, educational and amateur activities, united by a common goal or plan.

In addition to the concept of "animation program", the concept of " animation event"ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ is an integral part of the animation program. For example, if we draw up an animation program for the day, it includes several animation events: sports competitions, evening entertainment, games on the beach, etc.

However, animation programs are created by animators to entertain guests and restore (recreation) their health.

Animation activity has its own characteristic features:

Carried out in free time;

Characterized by freedom of choice, voluntariness, activity, initiative of both one person and social groups;

Determined by national-ethnic, regional characteristics and traditions;

Characterized by a variety of species based on the different interests of youth, adults and children;

It is of a developmental, health-improving, cultural and educational nature.

It is interesting that the same program can evoke positive emotions in some people, and the exact opposite in others. The process of perceiving the proposed animation programs depends on many factors:

Age of participants or spectators;

Level of education;

Ethnic background;

Sentiment at the time of implementation of this program, etc.

It is in this regard that it is important to differentiate the consumers of these services in advance, to have several different programs or events in stock to satisfy different tastes. At the same time, it is extremely important to strengthen the material and technical base of animation services at tourism enterprises.

In order for animation programs to be truly interesting, it is extremely important to organize them correctly. Organizational activity presupposes that specialists have the ability to distribute work, personally determine duties, rights and responsibilities, set the time for completing work, develop a system for monitoring the implementation of decisions made, and conduct business in such a way as to see and solve fundamental issues in the future.

Today, the tourism services market is replenished with a large number of not only excursion, but also animation programs. Some of the world's tourist routes are most popular precisely because of their spectacular events. For example, the carnival in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), bullfighting (Spain), meeting Santa Claus (Finland). That is, a new type of tourism is being formed - entertainment tourism, which has its own specifics, internal content, and its own consumers.

Typology of animation classes

The economic and social effect of tourism and recreational activities includes:

1. Saving working time and reducing medical care costs by reducing hospital and clinic stays.

2. Reducing temporary disability due to disease prevention.

3. Increase in production volume and national income due to:

‣‣‣ increasing labor productivity;

‣‣‣ reducing mortality in working age.

Enterprises of various types of entertainment, recreation and culture are divided into three groups.

The first group: theaters and studios, cinemas of all types and ranks, music services and orchestras, dance halls, studios, jukeboxes in public places.

Second group: enterprises organizing active recreation for the population - swimming pools, roller and ice skating rinks, shooting ranges, riding schools, golf clubs, baseball and football clubs, bowling alleys, recreation parks, boat rental stations and canoes, beaches, stadiums, athletics fields, etc., etc.

Third group: all kinds of gambling.

Considering the animation process from the point of view of a systematic approach as a process of satisfying the specific needs of a person in communication, movement, culture, creativity, entertainment and pleasant pastime, we can distinguish several types of animation:

‣‣‣ animation in motion - satisfies the human need for movement in combination with pleasant experiences;

‣‣‣ animation through experience - satisfies the need for a feeling of the new, unknown, unexpected when communicating, discovering, and also when overcoming difficulties;

‣‣‣ animation through communication - satisfies the need for communication with new interesting people, exchange of life experiences, discovery of people’s inner world and self-knowledge through communication;

‣‣‣ animation through calming - satisfies people’s need for psychological relief from everyday fatigue through calm, solitude, contact with nature;

‣‣‣ cultural animation - satisfies the need of people for the spiritual development of the individual through familiarization with cultural and historical monuments and modern examples of the culture of the country, region, people, nation;

‣‣‣ creative animation - satisfies a person’s need for creativity, demonstrating one’s abilities and establishing contacts with like-minded people through joint creativity.

Holding the “Neptune Day” holiday in the summer, building a snow fortress, the best ice sculpture, playing snowballs in the winter, “Knight’s tournament”, “Gladiator fights”, holding extreme games “The Last Hero”, “Desert Island” - all these are important areas of animation activities in tourism. Becoming an adventurer, turning your life during your vacation into a bright, eventful one, filled with witty jokes, fun and optimism is the main task of travel companies and animation teams. Tourists will not be bored if throughout the entire route they will be treated to a variety of entertainment programs, games, attractions, concerts, quizzes and themed evenings, surprises and extraordinary encounters.

In any Russian city, the service program can include a visit to a Russian hut, stylized as antique, reflecting the life and traditions of the Russian people. On troikas with bells - take tourists to the hut, where they will see a theatrical performance: “ancient masters” in Russian national costumes weave carpets on a loom; weave baskets, baskets, bast shoes; cut out spoons and bowls; Russian folk songs and dances are performed.

You can also prepare an animation program and tourists will take part in the ritual holiday of the “Russian loaf”. Wooden benches and tables are placed in the clearing. In the center there is a Russian stove, which is heated with wood. The accordion and balalaika sound, and folk songs create a special flavor. Girls in elegant sundresses with kokoshniks greet guests with bread and salt. Tourists prepare pies, bagels, gingerbreads, loaves, try hot cakes, and receive books with recipes for preparing Russian folk dishes as gifts.

It is no less interesting to take part in the “Tournament of Heroes”, where there will be a meeting with Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. For this purpose, a fortress is erected, an ancient atmosphere is created, a theatrical performance takes place: horse racing, javelin throwing, archery, weight lifting, sword fighting, passing an improvised medieval obstacle course, displaying ingenuity and resourcefulness. Each new competition confronts the participant with a choice: quit the race or continue the fight for the title of “Hero of the Russian Land.”

The most striking and memorable events during tourist trips and travels, as a rule, are large-scale theatrical performances that capture the attention of tourists for a long time

Such grandiose, incomparable theatrical performances include Carnival in Rio de Janeiro.

Venice Carnival and Cologne Carnival.

beer carnival in Munich - "Oktoberfest". At this carnival, 6 million guests drink about 5 million liters of beer every year.

Carnival in Ulm has the name "German jester's ring". Up to 14 thousand participants in exotic costumes gather from all over the southeast of the country.

Romantic, peaceful Switzerland offers tourists an action with a creepy name "Carnival of Monsters"

Illinois hosts a pet parade. More than a thousand children dressed in fancy dress carry their cats, dogs, hamsters and other pets in their arms. Up to one hundred thousand spectators gather at this carnival.

Once a year, the state of Louisiana remembers its pirate past, when the ships of local corsairs plied the waters of lakes and bays. The Smugglers' Days carnival arouses widespread enthusiasm. Flower festivals are popular all over the world.

Most famous flower carnival - in Nice, less famous, but no less interesting is the Flower Carnival in the Hungarian Debrecen, but in New Zealand they love daffodils so much that they organize a celebration solely for these flowers.

In Spain, theatrical programs showing fragments from the history of medieval Spain, knightly fights, and, of course, Spanish bullfighting are very attractive to tourists.

There is another spectacle in Spain that can only conditionally be called entertaining; to a greater extent it can be classified as extreme sports or tourism. This Feast of Saint Fermin in Pamplona(Seville). On this day, the whole city, all teenagers and adults, locals and tourists, all run ahead of the bulls, waving them off at best with just a rolled-up newspaper. Most often, bulls raise foreigners to their horns, but nevertheless there are always a lot of people who want to take part in this action.

On New Year's Eve, many tourists rush to Finland to meet Santa Claus at the very beginning of his holiday journey around the world. This event is so beautiful and spectacular that it always attracts a huge number of tourists from all over the world.

In terms of scale, imagination, and brightness, the carnival procession at the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow can easily be placed next to the Brazilian carnival columns. The procession continued for several hours on topics from the history of Moscow and Russia. Meanwhile, on Manezhnaya Square there was a program “Moscow booth” dedicated to Russian traditions.

In August 2000, the International Carnival for children and adults was held in Moscow at the All-Russian Exhibition Center - Carnival Country, in which there were a variety of cities: Tasty, Cheerful, Virtual, Circus City, City of Puppets.

It is very important for animated entertainment theatrical programs to attract and activate spectators, which is a means of introducing them to cultural traditions, to the history of the country, to understanding its originality, that is, to what many tourists visit different countries of the world for.


Animation in tourism

Tourism is one of the leading and most dynamic sectors of the economy and for its rapid pace it is recognized as the economic phenomenon of the century.

Today, the creation of sustainable tourism development is possible only if the quality of services provided is constantly improved, capable of satisfying the needs of the modern tourist in organizing his leisure time. A high level of quality of the tourism product is a necessary condition for the development of the tourism industry.

Currently, a new direction has formed in the field of tourism - tourist animation, which has become a specific tourism product and a necessary element of tourism programs.

1. In the Tourist Terminological Dictionary, animation services are defined as the revival of entertainment, recreation and leisure programs for tourists. Animation is the activity of developing and implementing special programs for spending free time, organizing entertainment and sports activities.

Social and cultural animation is multifaceted, corresponding to the diversity of needs, interests and requests of vacationers. The purpose of socio-cultural animation is to actively introduce a person to culture on the basis of creativity, creating conditions for relieving psychological stress, revealing the intellectual capabilities of the individual, liberating initiative, and inclusion in real life.

The social functions of animation activities are defined by scientists in different ways. They are interpreted as follows:

Production of new knowledge, norms, values, orientations and meanings;

Accumulation and storage of new knowledge, norms, values, orientations and meanings;

Reproduction of the spiritual process through maintaining its continuity;

Communicative support of sign interaction between subjects of activity, their differentiation and unity;

Creation of a socialized structure of relationships mediated by cultural components;

Relieving work fatigue, restoring lost strength, providing psychological relaxation through games and entertainment.

Animation services include small and large forms of performances, entertainment events, competitive game programs, tasting of alcoholic beverages with the involvement of theatrical elements.

Revitalization is achieved not so much by dramatic and script work, but by the involvement of tourists in the action, their participation in it.

Animation in tourism can be presented:

Animation events (holidays, film festivals, competition programs, masquerade shows, carnival processions, etc.)

Animated theatrical performances (knightly tournaments, humorous clowning shows, gladiator fights, costume balls, evenings meeting with fairy-tale characters, etc.)

Animated exhibitions (museum show, costume exhibitions). This may include animated show museums, when tourists and sightseers are greeted by “revived” historical characters at the exhibition, or when a show is organized in the hotel in the evening, but not a contemplative one, but with the direct active participation of tourists. For example, the once boring and rarely visited museum of the first English settlers in Plymouth (USA) has today turned into a national show with the help of an animated life-size exhibition (a village with living characters performing basic work in the house, garden, etc.) ;

Animation in theme parks (attractions, meetings with cartoon characters, super shows). The first amusement parks appeared in Europe at the end of the 60s. But they began to experience a real tourist boom only in recent years. Every year, up to 10 million guests visit the largest entertainment centers. Such tours are most popular among fans of family holidays, newlyweds and small youth groups. Interestingly, the majority of visitors to the parks are not the children for whom they were designed, but adults. The main visitors to parks in different countries are foreign tourists. Along with interesting and exciting attractions, the main attraction of theme parks is the action taking place around them. For example, the American Walt Disney Park is a real recreation and entertainment industry, organized on a truly American scale. Its uniqueness as a tourist product lies not only in the fact that it has its own complex infrastructure designed for entertainment, accommodation, food, education, and its own life, in which tourists are included, meeting various cartoon characters and attractions on the streets of the park and among the attractions Disney feature films. Breakfast and dinner surrounded by Disney characters are attractive to tourists. In addition, no amount of money can buy the feeling of a fairy tale in which you find yourself around the clock;

Sports animation (collective and individual sports games, competitions, competitions, aerobics, shaping, yoga, dance evenings);

Hotel animation (entertainment, sports and recreational activities, relaxation evenings, work of miniclubs, cafes, bars in hotels). Animators (most often young people) work with tourists constantly, one might say, around the clock. The main task of these workers is to prevent people from getting bored.

Traveling tourists are united not only by an interest in the culture, customs, and traditions of the peoples of the world, a desire to get acquainted with unique monuments of the artistic culture of mankind, the best examples of world and domestic literature, music, theater, but also a desire to relax and have fun.

So, summarizing all of the above, the formula for animation in tourism can be recognized as the following complex: use of interest + revitalization of the exhibition + inclusion of tourists in the action + variety of entertainment.

The main task is to create comfort for the tourist, so that he is interested, so that he feels like a participant in the program, so that he remembers his vacation as his best pastime.

2. Animation in tourism began to develop as such in the 70s of the twentieth century. in the East, and only in the mid-90s did it appear in Russia. First, the animators mastered Egypt and the UAE. Later - Turkey, where music and circus groups presented their programs mainly in hotels. Dancers and circus performers were offered a slightly different field of activity - not just concert programs, but also communication with guests in a relaxed atmosphere. In the mid-90s, animator schools became widespread, where both Turks themselves and foreigners, including those who arrived, studied From Russia.

Recently, more and more tourism enterprises have begun to care about providing animation services. As we already know, animators are specialists in organizing leisure time at tourist enterprises, sanatoriums and other health institutions. Very often, when they say the word “animator,” they immediately explain: “mass entertainer.” However, the modern concept of animation is somewhat broader. Animation in tourism is considered as an activity for the development and provision of special programs for spending free time. Animation programs include sports games and competitions, dance evenings, carnivals, games, hobbies, and activities within the sphere of spiritual interests. Consequently, a tour animator is a specialist involved in the development of individual and collective animation programs.

By animation program we mean a plan for conducting tourist, physical education, recreational, cultural, educational and amateur activities united by a common goal or plan. In addition to the concept of “animation program,” the concept of “animation event” is often used, which is an integral part of the animation program. For example, if we are putting together an animation program for the day, it includes several animation events: sports competitions, evening entertainment, games on the beach, etc.

The development of animation programs is a special type of activity, so training highly qualified animators is a socially significant task. The animator develops individual and collective leisure programs, guides tourists in the diversity of its types, organizes them a good rest, which is not only a means of getting rid of fatigue, but also a means of neutralizing the negative aspects of everyday life. A professional animator must develop such important qualities as competence, communication skills, organizational skills, the ability to work with people, a high culture of communication, innovative thinking, business savvy, leadership, and imagination.

During the day, tourists can see them behind the counter of a boutique or teaching beginners on the court, at sports competitions or fishing trips organized for tourists. In the evening, the same animators organize a colorful show, which includes the participation of tourists. Animators usually have bright T-shirts as a uniform, allowing tourists to see and recognize them from afar. On the T-shirt there is a card with the name of the animator and the flags of the countries whose languages ​​he speaks. They are friendly. They greet the tourist as if they were an old acquaintance: “Well, how was yesterday’s excursion, did you like it? Come play volleyball with us." A good memory for faces is their professional responsibility.

The animators' work is interesting and fun. But still this bread is not easy. In the morning, animators conduct aerobics classes and entertain tourists on the beach. During the day, they accompany them on excursions and shopping (they will help them find a cheaper store and bargain with the seller). In the evening there is a show, and then you still have to make sure that the bar’s visitors don’t get bored. Someone needs to be invited to dance, someone just to talk to. Therefore, traditionally young people work as animators.

Thus, animation programs are created by animators to entertain guests and restore (recreation) their health. However, the same program can cause positive emotions in some people, and the exact opposite in others. The process of perceiving the proposed animation programs depends on many factors:

Age of participants or spectators;

Level of education;

Ethnic background;

Sentiment at the time of implementation of this program, etc.

That is why it is important to differentiate consumers of these services in advance, to have several different programs or events in stock to satisfy different tastes.

As a rule, at the beginning of a new season, the animator manager approves the animation program for the entire season. An exact schedule of events is drawn up for each day of the week (by the hour), and each team member is assigned certain responsibilities for their implementation.

3. The general animation program is prepared in such a way that the entertainment and sports elements are varied in form, interesting to tourists and that many more participants are involved in the events.

Evening shows should be repeated no more than once every two weeks, based on a typically two-week stay at the hotel. The script, music, lighting, choreography, costumes - everything is clearly thought out and organized by team members and the director, who often takes part in show programs himself.

During lunch and before dinner, animators greet guests at the entrance to the restaurant, wish them bon appetit, get acquainted with newly arrived guests, communicate with those with whom they played today, sit down at tables, and trying to avoid pauses in the conversation, entertain guests and invite them to take part in games and entertainment shows in the afternoon. And the animators involved in the evening show conduct rehearsals for the evening performance.

The general animation program of a hotel enterprise includes several areas:

Sports and recreation area. Sports animation is based on a healthy lifestyle. Preserving and promoting health are the main functions of sports animation. Particular importance in the complex of events aimed at entertaining tourists is given to all kinds of sports activities, competitions, and competitions. here everything that has been developed and created by humanity in this area at the moment can be used. These are games that have long been familiar to everyone with well-known conditions and rules; and completely new ones, developed right here, in the process of communication; and proposed by one of the vacationers, modernized, adapted to the given situation and borrowed from colleagues from a neighboring hotel. Animators take part in games as players, presenters and judges. Their task is to stir up interest and control the progress of the game, resolving possible conflict situations. During the game, the animator clearly sets out the rules, ensures its continuity, safety, organized beginning and ending with a mandatory outcome and announcement of the winners. The animators create such an atmosphere of passion and excitement that nearby tourists switch their attention to the game and little by little they themselves get involved in the process. The dynamism and spirited nature of competition allows people to liberate themselves and show some abilities and talents. And, besides, team games also bring people closer together.

One of the important areas of animation activities in hotels is animation for children. The presence of a mini-club in the hotel is notified by a large colorful stand installed in the hotel lobby, at the entrance to the main restaurant or to the beach, which outlines the work schedule and upcoming events for children, so that upon entering the hotel guests can quickly find their way and find their way there. your child. The work plan, as well as the general plan of animation activities in the hotel, is drawn up in advance and, possibly, adjusted during the classes, depending on the number of children present and other conditions. In this regard, they must successfully combine and have the optimal number of sports and cultural activities necessary for the development of the child.

Working as an animator in a mini-club is a lot of work, so this person must take into account a number of physiological and psychological characteristics of children of different ages, create such conditions that any child would be interested in it and be able to express and realize himself as an individual. To organize effective work with children, it is necessary to have appropriate premises for children to stay in the summer months and in bad weather, equipped with various equipment for drawing, modeling, outdoor and educational games, etc. Each day invariably begins with introductions (children stand in a circle, say their name, repeat and remember the names of others) and has its own theme, which is revealed during sports and educational activities and competitions, small performances staged together, concerts and holidays. The work of a mini-club in a hotel is a creative and painstaking process, and the task of a children's animator is not just the organization of children's leisure time, the development of their cognitive, physical and psychological sphere, but also such an organization in which every day spent by a child in the mini-club would turn into into a whole event, a holiday that will remain a vivid impression of his holiday on the Mediterranean Sea.

Cultural and leisure events. The fundamentals of cultural and leisure animation of tourist services in hotels are: an integrated approach to organizing events, freedom to choose these events, theatricalization: the use of a variety of techniques (imagery, symbolism, metaphor, stylization) and all types of art (painting, music, literature), while the course of an event is determined by the script, personification.

Traditional forms of organizing such events include:

· carnival (folk festival in the form of a street procession, parade, masquerade),

· reception (a meeting of people that does not involve dancing);

· banquet (mass gathering of people, which is based on abundant food);

· mystery (theatrical production of a play with religious content);

· raus (an event to invite spectators before presentations, cultural and leisure programs);

· ceremony (cult reverent /state/ act, which is carried out in strict order /ceremonial/);

· show performance, mass spectacle.

In order to successfully create an entertainment program for a hotel, you need to decide on a number of criteria, namely:

· a genre that creates a special atmosphere and sensations for the audience (drama, clownery, musical, etc.). In this case, the numbers and fragments must be combined in such a way that a single picture and a related structure of the elements of this representation are formed;

· the name of this show, which creates the mood and reveals its essence;

· a scenario plan, which indicates a list of elements, fragments, events in the process of their development, characters, their relationships and movement. There must be a beginning, a climax and a denouement;

· script, i.e. detailing the points of the scenario plan, as well as work on the literary part - elaboration of monologues and dialogues, study of speech style;

· director's plan - translation of literature into the language of action (if it is a production based on a literary work), drawing up and coordinating a continuous effective chain, and working with technology, light and sound.

In addition, it is important where this action will be played out (on the summer playground, in a bar, near the pool), to determine the pace, rhythm, inclusion of spectacular moments and the rehearsal period.

Evening shows are a major part of the hotel's entertainment program. They should be very diverse in content, staging, costumes and be interesting for all vacationers. As a rule, all animators take part in them. The organizers strive to make each performance bright, colorful, memorable, each of them should have its own zest.

And the form of evening shows can be very different: this is a small everyday scene performed by actors-animators, and a serious theatrical performance in which spectators from the audience and guests invited in advance to play a particular role can take part (see appendix).

In addition to the show, the evening entertainment program also includes various competitions, quizzes, and lotteries. As a rule, a large evening cafe is organized on the hotel premises, where a significant part of vacationing tourists gather after dinner. For them, all kinds of quizzes with educational themes, competitions, coffee-games lotteries are held, such as, for example: the “Bingo” lottery, competitions for the best couple, “Miss Hotel”, “Women against Men”, etc. with the presentation of simple and original prizes at the expense of the hotel. In addition, the animators have a wide variety of games in stock that can also be used during the event.

Festive events as animation objects. Organization of holidays is one of the important moments in the construction of animation programs, and the main thing here is not to miss the details characteristic of this particular holiday, and to introduce elements that are educational and attractive to all tourists. Animation managers build entertainment programs based on the traditions of a particular country, and set themselves one of the tasks to acquaint foreign guests with the customs, morals, and life of the peoples inhabiting it. In hotels, evening programs are dedicated to the holidays; in restaurants, the menu on this day includes a special festive sweet dessert; Children are given balloons and candy throughout the day, and fireworks are lit at night.

When developing and preparing entertainment complexes and programs, the national cultural characteristics, traditions, holidays, and flavor of the countries from which the guests are currently arriving must be taken into account.

4. Organizational activity presupposes that specialists have the ability to distribute work, personally determine duties, rights and responsibilities, set the time for completing work, develop a system for monitoring the implementation of decisions made, and conduct business in such a way as to see and solve fundamental issues in the future.

The organization is designed to ensure optimal interaction of the entire animation team, that is, consistency, subordination and coordination of all its structural elements. The organization of animation activities as an integral part of the technological process requires strict adherence to the full professional independence of all specialists and at the same time the full development of their activity and initiative within the framework of the specific tasks of their structural units. As a rule, there are several such structural divisions. Each organizer has its own field of activity:

* The organizer of sports and recreational activities is responsible for morning exercises, aerobics classes, classes in pools and at sea, outdoor games, sports competitions and holidays;

* The organizer of entertainment programs develops scenarios, prepares and conducts all kinds of cultural and entertainment events;

* The organizer of work with children is engaged in children's events;

* The organizer of tourist and excursion work completes groups for excursions, selects guides, etc.;

* The animation service manager organizes and coordinates the work of all departments. Often, the responsibilities of a manager at domestic Russian enterprises also include solving commercial issues, organizing an advertising campaign and many others, which, of course, affects the quality of work.

Unfortunately, few tourist institutions can afford to create a full-fledged animation service. In most of them, one or two people are responsible for all departments of the animation service at once: they sing, and dance, and conduct sports competitions, and advertise themselves on local radio, etc.

Therefore, in most tourism enterprises, the animation management structure can be imagined as follows:

The main person in the animation system is the animation manager. He reports directly to the general manager, who in turn reports to the hotel owner.

As a generalist, the manager of animation activities is called upon to identify, satisfy and develop the socio-cultural interests of different groups of the population, develop targeted animation programs and social technologies for their implementation, stimulate innovative movements in the field of tourism, manage the economic mechanisms for organizing animation activities, and introduce effective pedagogical methods. development of cultural and aesthetic creativity.

The fundamental feature of a specialist animator is that knowledge of sociology, economics, political science, law, management theory, the fundamentals of directing and a number of other socially significant and very prestigious sciences today does not act as an end in itself, but as an essential means of implementing socio-cultural activities - inclusion of a person to the achievements of world culture, the full development of his creative potential.

The manager-animator must know the psychological and pedagogical foundations of managing the temporary team with whom he works, be a leader in a variety of tourist groups that differ in age, composition, education, social status, and be able to influence the opinions of others.

An aptitude for leadership is important, namely: the ability to take initiative, attract and direct the attention of others, offer them a solution, and the ability to speak the language of one’s supporters.

Animator managers must have high business qualities, deep knowledge of human psychology, and practical skills of working in a well-oiled environment.

The animation manager reports to:

· methodologist-animator (choreographer), who is involved in preparing scripts and staging shows, developing costumes and conducting rehearsals;

· organizer-animator, who provides the organization of the animation process with everything necessary.

In addition to the people who are directly part of the team, the artist (if he is not among the animators) helps to make the performances brighter and more colorful, who designs the scenery for the performances, draws announcements, posters and other materials for them, and the tailor who sews and is responsible for evening costumes animators.

Becoming an animator is not easy. An animator must initially possess certain work skills and abilities, and must also be psychologically prepared for this work. Beginners are taught all this - from overcoming the language barrier to the art of transforming into your character. In addition, special seminars and practical classes are held on dancing, developing a program for the season, and holding sports games and competitions. The animation program changes every two weeks, so the animator's working day is very busy. Together with the animators, there are singers, professional dancers and musicians, who are specially invited and paid by the hotel administration.

The animator's activities are aimed at developing the creativity of tourists, enriching the content of animation activities, searching for new forms of work taking into account modern demands, and using material and expressive means to the fullest extent. And if we equip tourism workers with interesting and exciting programs that take into account age and psychological characteristics, local traditions and traditions of other countries, then this will make tourism mass, capable of involving all social strata of the population, including young people, in its sphere.


The global growth and development of tourism around the world has a great impact on the content and organization of professional tourism education. According to experts, at present, the inclusion of animated programs of a cultural, educational, sports, tourist, and entertainment nature in the content of tourist routes and trips, and in the work of hotels increases their prestige and demand in the tourism services market.

While having fun, a person or a group of people satisfies their spiritual needs, evaluates their own personality, and analyzes their role on the scale of various subsystems. The entertainment industry aims to create conditions for entertainment, i.e. a set of phenomena on the presence of which the process of entertainment depends. The social orientation of the development of the entertainment industry is expressed in the fact that it serves the formation of new personal and social needs, as well as the manifestation and development of needs under existing conditions. The entertainment industry solves multifaceted problems and contributes to the formation and development of personality.


1. Garanin N.I., Bulygina I.I. Management of tourist and hotel animation. Uch. allowance. - M., Soviet sport, 2003.

2. Zharkov A.D., Chizhikov V.M. Cultural and leisure activities. - M., 1998.

3. Kazarenkov V. Free time is not just relaxation // Club. - M., 1998.

4. Kotler F. et al. Marketing. Hospitality and tourism: Textbook for universities: - M., 1998.

5. Priezzhaeva E.M. Socio-cultural animation in tourism. UMP M., RMAT, 2003.

Concept and functions of animation

The word “animation” is of Latin origin (anima – wind, air, soul; animatus – animation) and means inspiration, spirituality, stimulation of vitality, involvement in activity. The term “animation” first appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. in France in connection with the introduction of a law on the creation of various associations and was interpreted as an activity aimed at provoking and enhancing a keen interest in culture and artistic creativity.

Animation is a kind of service that aims to improve the quality of service, and at the same time it is a kind of advertising, a form of re-attracting guests and their friends, with the goal of promoting a tourism product on the market to increase the profitability of the tourism business.

Animation in tourism represents a holistic process of interaction between animators and tourists in the leisure sector based on the combination of formal leadership and informal leadership of the specialist performing the interaction. As a result of such interaction, the relaxation, health, cultural, creative, educational needs and interests of the participants in this process are satisfied, conditions are created for the formation of a socially active personality, capable of transforming the surrounding reality and oneself in it.

Animation is a type of tourism activity carried out at a tourist enterprise (tour complex, hotel, cruise ship, train, etc.), which involves tourists in a variety of activities through participation in specially designed leisure programs.

Animation has characteristic features: it is carried out in free time; characterized by freedom of choice, voluntariness, activity, initiative of both one person and various social groups; due to national, religious, regional characteristics and traditions; characterized by a variety of species based on the different interests of adults, youth and children; has a deep personality; is of a humanistic, cultural, developmental, health and educational nature.

In order to fully understand the essence of animation activities, it is necessary to consider the content, goals and objectives of the animation process, since each animation service represents a special process of activity, the essence of which is determined by specific patterns (thematic, emotionality, activity, determination, etc.) . The animation process, the goals and objectives facing it, can be expressed as follows (Fig. 8.1.):

Rice. 8.1. Animation process

During the animation process, the animator helps tourists see objects of action, promoting visual perception of a specific given topic (first task); hear the necessary information or, for example, musical accompaniment that complements what is seen (second task); try to do something like this yourself(third task); feel involved in the ongoing process(fourth task); get involved in the process, acquire practical skills(fifth task).

Analysis of the essence of animation activity reflects the presence of interaction in it of various elements that define three unique levels, which can be classified as: creative– the predominance of creative moments in activity; reproductive– simple reproduction of ready-made, previously worked forms and methods; reproductive-creative- a person’s discovery of something new for himself that is not objectively new.

Based on everything said above, we define animation as stimulating full-fledged recreational, socio‑cultural, leisure and other activities of a person by influencing his vitality, inspiration and spirituality. Tourist animation is a tourist service, in the provision of which the tourist is involved in active action. Tourist animation is based on personal human contacts between the tour animator (animator) and the tourist, on human intimacy, on the joint participation of the animator and the tourist in the entertainment offered by the animation program of the tourist complex.

Animation hotel services are one of the most effective means of attracting guests to the hotel, influencing the tourist’s positive assessment of the hotel’s work as a whole. These are a kind of additional services for the hotel client, allowing him to be occupied in such a way as to awaken positive emotions in him, to feel satisfaction from his stay at the hotel and the urge to return to this hotel again.

Tourist animation is the most important part of the overall activity at a tourist enterprise (in a hotel, restaurant, on a large ship, etc.). This is not just fun, but an expression of a high degree of professionalism in tourism activities, an important component of the tourism product. Therefore, like any other activity in a tourism enterprise, animation must be a planned, clearly regulated and organizationally managed activity, provided with material, financial and human resources.

The ultimate goal of tourist animation is the tourist’s satisfaction with his vacation, his good mood, positive impressions, restoration of moral and physical strength. This is the most important recreational function of tourist animation. The importance of tourist animation lies in improving the quality, variety and attractiveness of the tourism product, increasing the number of regular customers, increasing demand for the tourism product, increasing the load on the material base of the tourism enterprise, and, consequently, increasing the efficiency of its use, and, finally, increasing profitability and profitability of tourism activities.

Of the three main recreational functions (therapeutic, health-improving and educational), tourist animation directly performs two functions - sports and recreational and educational. Indirectly, under appropriate conditions, the therapeutic function is also performed. In the practice of animation, for the targeted design of animation programs, the following functions of tourist animation can be distinguished:

adaptation function, allowing you to move from an everyday environment to a free, leisure environment;

compensation function, freeing a person from the physical and mental fatigue of everyday life;

stabilizing function, creating positive emotions and stimulating mental stability;

health function, aimed at restoring and developing a person’s physical strength, weakened in everyday work life;

information function, allowing you to obtain new information about the country, region, people, etc.;

educational function, allowing you to acquire and consolidate new knowledge about the world around you as a result of vivid impressions;

improving function, bringing intellectual and physical improvement;

Typology of animation

The variety of functions of tourist animation has also led to the variety of types of animation activities, types of animation programs and events. The difference in interpretation of the concepts “animation”, “hotel animation”, “tourist animation” is associated with the variety of existing forms and programs of animated leisure activities. This diversity affects both the formation of tourist routes and the hotel business, and in general the organization of leisure for people in modern life: in countries, cities, city governments and municipalities, parks, clubs and associations, organizations and educational institutions. Here we will talk about tourist, resort-recreational and hotel animation, so we will distinguish between these concepts (Fig. 8.2.).

Rice. 8.2. Types of recreational animation

Recreational animation– a type of leisure activity aimed at restoring a person’s spiritual and physical strength. Leisure programs implemented for recreational purposes can be carried out both by tourism and resort enterprises with tourists, vacationers and guests, and by leisure enterprises with local residents. This gives us the right to assert that the concept of recreational animation is broader than the concepts of tourist and hotel animation. As for tourist and hotel animation, they are closely related to recreational, since the main role of animation programs both in hotels, tourist complexes and sanatoriums, and specialized animation tours is to improve the health of vacationers, to distract them from everyday worries, to improve their mood, etc. etc., in other words, in restoring vitality and energy.

Tourist animation– a type of tourism activity carried out at a tourist enterprise (tour complex, hotel) or on a vehicle (cruise ship, train, bus, etc.), or at the place where tourists stay (in a city square, in a theater or city park, etc.) d.), which involves tourists in a variety of activities through participation in specially designed leisure programs. In other words, tourist animation is a tourist service, during the provision of which the tourist is involved in active action.

When preparing tourist animation programs, many features are taken into account that allow the program to be carried out in the most interesting way, namely: the nationality of tourists; their age (childhood, youth, adulthood, third age, combined); gender (female, male, joint); number (individual, group, mass); activity of tourists’ participation (active, passive). In addition, tourist animation is divided into three main types according to the importance, priority and volume of animation programs in the overall travel program (in the tourist product):

1. Animated tourist routes- targeted tourist trips for the sake of one animation program, or a continuous animation process deployed in space in the form of travel, moving from one animation service (program) to another, carried out in different geographical locations. In this case, the animation program is targeted, priority and dominant in the tour package of services, not only in terms of physical volume, but also in terms of “spiritual”, stimulating mental strength.

Such an animation program is a pricing factor in the tourism product. Typically, these programs are intended for individuals or homogeneous tourist groups united by one spiritual interest (professional, hobby). Let us list the main types of such animation programs: cultural, educational and thematic; folklore, literary, musical, theatrical, art history, scientific, festival, carnival, sports. Or, for example, tours organized for fans of casino games to casino centers located in different countries.

2. Additional animation services– animation programs designed to “support” the main tourist services specified in the tour package, during technological breaks caused by travel, delays en route (ship, train, bus, hotel, station, etc.), in case of bad weather (when organizing sports and amateur tours, at beach resorts), lack of snow in ski resorts, etc.

3. Hotel animation– a comprehensive recreational hotel service based on personal human contacts between the tour animator and the tourist, on human intimacy, on the joint participation of the animator and the tourist in the entertainment offered by the animation program of the tourist complex, pursuing the goal of implementing a new philosophy of hotel service, improving the quality of service, the level of tourist satisfaction with the vacation and used in the hotel's marketing strategy as one of the main attractive services.

Hotel animation is the narrowest concept of the three considered, since it only involves the organization of leisure at tourist enterprises: tourist complexes, hotels, inns, tourist centers, etc. In other words, hotel animation is a leisure activity offered by hotels, hotels, tourist complexes. This is part of tourist animation, although the most significant. Moreover, animation programs differ in club recreation, in hotel chains and in hotels of different purposes and of different sizes.

Table 8.1Typology of animation activities

L. V. Kurilo in his work “Theory and Practice of Animation. Theoretical foundations of tourist animation" provides a slightly different typology of tourist animation, presented in Table 8.1. She adds the prefix “health” to all types of animation, thereby emphasizing the performance of health and recreational functions by animation. Accordingly, the targets of each type of animation will be tourism and tourist competitions, sports competitions and sports, entertainment events, educational and excursion activities.

8.3. Types and technologies for implementing animation programs

Types of animation. WITH from the point of view of a systematic approach, tourist animation is the satisfaction of specific tourist needs in communication, movement, culture, creativity, pleasant pastime, and entertainment. The range of these needs is very wide, since people going on vacation put completely different meanings into this concept, namely: for some, vacation is traveling, for others, reading books, for others, a walk in the forest, for others, fishing, etc. etc. According to this demand, the following types of animation have developed in the practice of tourist services, satisfying the various needs of tourists (vacationers).

Animation in motion– satisfies the modern person’s need for movement, combined with pleasure and pleasant experiences.

Animation through experience– satisfies the need for a feeling of the new, unknown, unexpected when overcoming difficulties, during discoveries, during communication.

Animation through communication– satisfies the need to communicate with new and interesting people, with the discovery of people’s inner world and self-knowledge through communication.

Animation through calming– satisfies people’s need for psychological relief from everyday fatigue through calm, solitude, contact with nature, the need for peace and “idle laziness.”

Cultural animation– satisfies the need of people for the spiritual development of the individual through contact with monuments and modern examples of the culture of the country, region, people, nation.

Creative animation– satisfies a person’s need for creativity, for demonstrating one’s creative creative abilities, for establishing contacts with like-minded people through joint creativity, co-creation.

Real animation programs are most often complex in nature in relation to these types of animation, and the listed types of animation are the constituent elements of these programs, like the bricks of the building that the animation program is. As a rule, animation programs, along with purely entertainment events, include a variety of sports games, exercises and competitions. This combination makes animation programs more intense, interesting and healthy, therefore, in the relationship between tourist animation and sports, the greatest restorative and health-improving effect is most often achieved.

Animation technology. Technology should be understood as a set of techniques for an animator’s work, the organization of this work, and the use of tools and devices. The technology for creating and implementing animation programs is a complex and multifaceted process, since it solves the following problems:

creation of animation programs, economic calculation of the cost of the program, advertising of programs, their implementation and, finally, creative implementation of programmed animation events with subsequent analysis. This technological process is an integral system in which all components interact.

The technology for creating and implementing animation programs as a system consists of several interconnected subsystems:

organizational subsystem– organization of joint activities of the animation team, economic, technical, advertising departments;

instructor-methodological subsystem– creation and processing of event scenarios, development of excursion texts, selection of sports games and competitions, drawing up hiking routes with the subsequent development of methodological recommendations based on generalization of experience;

director's subsystem– distribution of roles, rehearsal plan, staging;

technical subsystem– preparation of the site (stage) for animation events, props, scenery, lighting, musical accompaniment, costumes, etc.

All subsystems make up a technology system that serves as the basis for the functioning of the animation service. Animation activity is a real and completely special world with its inherent rules of action. These actions are performed by professionals in order to include as many people as possible in the process of performing them. There are specific patterns of functioning of animation activities here.

The technological process of creating animation programs includes the following elements:

Object of activity: population served, visitors (groups of people and individuals);

Subject of activity: managers, animation service specialists;

The actual animation activity (the process of the subject influencing the subject) with all its components.

All elements of the functioning of the technological process are in unity and interaction, forming a single system. The main element of this system is the object of activity, people: tourists, guests, vacationers. Everything is designed to satisfy their spiritual and physical needs. Therefore, specialist animators need to know these needs and study the audience, moods, interests and demands of various population groups on a daily basis. Without knowing people, it is difficult to count on achieving the desired result, on increasing the effectiveness of the intellectual and emotional impact on the audience.

Stages of development and implementation of an animation program. The work of preparing and conducting a particular animation program can be divided into several stages. The first stage (the largest and most important stage) – preparatory, including:

Analysis of proposed animation programs;

Definition of goals and objectives;

Choosing the place and time of the program;

Designing an animation program taking into account the age, ethnic and other characteristics of consumers of this service;

Creation or selection of scenarios for animation events included in the program;

Drawing up cost estimates for the program;

Selection of creative teams, distribution of responsibilities within the animation team;

Technical preparation: purchasing equipment, making scenery, costumes, props, etc.;

Installation of sound and lighting equipment, other technical means, stage design, production of phonograms, etc.;

Conducting rehearsals, teaching game rules, etc.;

Second phase - conducting an animation program– represents the most difficult and responsible work for all participants. It is necessary to combine the efforts of all the animators involved, overcome nervous tension and solve the assigned problems. Third stage – summarizing, during which the following takes place: analysis of the implemented program; consumer survey with subsequent analysis; working to improve the program. So, the technological process includes three main stages: preparation; implementation of the program and analysis of the implemented program.

Advertising of animation programs. The success of an animation program largely depends on a properly organized advertising campaign. Advertising, as you know, is information about the consumer properties of goods and types of services with the aim of selling them and creating demand for them. It so happens that animation programs are advertised at a very low level, even in those tourist enterprises where these programs are available.

Advertising of animation programs is a tool with the help of which the consumer is given information about the content, features, and attractiveness of this program in order to interest the consumer, encourage him to purchase the advertised product, and become a participant in the animation program. When starting to develop advertising for animation programs, you must:

Identify potential consumers and compile their characteristics based on demographic (age, gender), ethnic characteristics, social status, income level, etc.;

Identify competitors and determine the advantages of your own programs that you can pay attention to in advertising;

Determine channels and methods of advertising distribution.

It is very important to develop your own corporate style, which is perceived as a guarantee of the quality of the animation programs offered. When developing your corporate style, you must take into account: the main areas of activity; market segments for which the programs being developed are intended; main advertising means; advantages or features of the programs being developed.

8.4. Animation and leisure activities of resort hotels

Organizing the recreation of recreationists at resorts is one of the most important tasks of resort and tourism specialists. Numerous surveys show that the main purpose of 50-70% of vacationers coming to the resort is relaxation. This percentage is slightly higher for seaside resorts and lower for highly specialized ones. In any case, organizing leisure time for vacationers is a difficult task, associated, first of all, with the large amount of free time vacationers have in hotels during their stay at the resort.

In recent years, significant changes have been taking place in the organization of leisure time for vacationers. This is due to a number of reasons: borrowing the experience of foreign resorts; growth of the educational and cultural level of the population; introduction of new technologies in the entertainment industry; changing the structure of using free time; intensification of touring and concert activities of theater, film and pop professionals.

A person, a potential consumer of tourism services, who chooses a seaside resort as the location for his vacation, certainly sets himself the primary task of resting, relaxing, distracting himself from everyday worries and problems, getting positive emotions and a charge of energy for future life. It is the psychological state, mood and emotions that determine the feeling of satisfaction from the time spent in a given hotel enterprise.

An important part of the multifaceted activities of a hotel company, an expression of its high degree of professionalism, is the organization of animation. This is a unique and very effective form of advertising, re-attracting customers and their friends, promoting this product in the hotel services market, and, consequently, increasing the efficiency, profitability and profitability of the enterprise. An indisputable factor in increasing the competitiveness of a hotel, determining the choice in favor of a particular vacation spot, can be the new emerging direction of “hotel animation” in the broadest sense of this concept.

Rice. 8.3. Forms of organizing animation and leisure activities

The choice of specific forms of animation and leisure activities presented in Figure 8.3 depends on the capabilities of the hotel’s material and technical base, its location and availability of infrastructure, the number of vacationers, and the level of professional training of leisure workers. The most traditional forms of organizing leisure time are mass sports activities, excursion activities, film screenings, and recreational evenings.

Mass sports work carried out both by the staff of the hotel itself and by professionals brought in from outside. Excursion work can be carried out both on our own and with the involvement of specialized organizations - travel agencies and excursion bureaus. Practice shows that it is most profitable to resort to the services of specialized tourist and excursion organizations rather than organizing everything on your own.

Film screening with the advent of new technologies and satellite television, it faded into the background. The only exception is the broadcast of films for small audiences in halls equipped with the latest technology. Evenings of rest are one of the most popular forms of leisure time and are characterized by numerous options for their implementation. These could be meeting evenings, dance events and discotheques, live music evenings, festive evenings, competitions, etc. These events are most often carried out by the hotel itself, with the frequent involvement of professionals.

Library services are one of the oldest forms of leisure activities for vacationers. The work of libraries is most often implemented in three directions: issuing books and periodicals for reading in free time; holding various thematic events; promotion of healthy lifestyles. Game forms Organizations of leisure activities are also quite popular at resorts. Vacationers are provided with both passive (without the involvement of additional staff - checkers, chess, billiards) and active gaming entertainment (with the involvement of animators and special staff).

The largest and most famous hotels allow themselves to host the most significant events, organizing concerts of pop stars of the first magnitude, creative evenings and benefit performances of theater and cinema artists, various festivals, fashion shows, exhibitions and fairs of national importance, conferences and symposiums. Thus, well-known centers for such events are Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Pyatigorsk and some other resorts.

Moving on to considering the animation service as a new direction in organizing leisure time for vacationers, it should be noted that animation and cultural activities are most fully represented in the West. Abroad, the amount of free time among the population is gradually increasing, and, consequently, there is a process of qualitative increase in leisure programs and services. The entertainment industry began to develop there more than half a century ago, resulting in a developed leisure system. The most successful in this matter are the USA, Canada, and Western European countries (Germany, France, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland).

Tourist animation services are most developed in resort areas, where they help increase the attractiveness of tourist travel and the quality of recreation. In resort areas around the world, there is a clear understanding that a special role belongs to the organization of leisure time for vacationers: gaming events, active competitions, various shows and holidays, etc. In the West, the main activity of the animation sector is daily entertainment programs, which include an assortment of free services animations for adults and children.

Despite the fact that the animation base of each hotel has its own characteristics, all animation services can be structured as follows (Table 8.2.).

Table 8.2 Animation services at foreign resorts

Each tourist accommodation facility has its own daily entertainment program, the structure of which depends on the number and contingent of vacationers, the location of the facility, staff, meal schedules, excursions, etc. An analysis of the experience of countries with a successfully developing tourism industry shows that the entertainment industry requires high-quality programs, expensive and high-quality equipment, new approaches to management, highly qualified personnel.

The main characteristic of a successful holiday for tourists is their psychological state during the holiday, their mood. When organizing services for vacationers, it is important to clearly understand that the high-quality condition of a tourist accommodation facility alone will not provide full comfort for the tourist. To revive the walls of the hotel, to give vacationers the opportunity to imbue with the idea of ​​​​its organizers - this is the main task of the host party.

When developing the staffing structure of a tourist accommodation facility and analyzing the influence of staff on the psychological state of vacationers, it is necessary to take into account that the main role in creating a particular psychological climate in a hotel is played by the animation service staff - animators. Ultimately, it is their personal qualities and ability to create a special mood and feeling of comfort and coziness in tourists that determine how complete the rest of hotel guests will be.

Animator– specialist in the formation and promotion of tourism and sports products in the tourism market and the organization of sports and recreational activities for tourists. The professional team of the animation sector organizes and conducts games, competitions and sports competitions, invites you to performances, theater and dance shows, musicals, comedies, classical music concerts, movie screenings, beach parties, etc. The activities of the hotel animation sectors can smooth out minor shortcomings service and increase the profitability of the hotel.

Any way of spending leisure time is good only when it is psychologically justified. People whose work requires constant stress benefit from rest and relaxation, which relieves fatigue and stress. Some people, on the contrary, need to activate their powers. In addition, in animation activities it is imperative to take into account the gender and age characteristics of the contingent of vacationers. Hence the need to develop targeted programs that involve the involvement of cultural and leisure institutions located in the area. The more varied the recreation program, the more interesting it is. This is especially true when developing animation programs for children.

The animation service is based on several key components. Taking into account favorable external conditions, the formula for implementing an animation project is as follows (Fig. 8.4.).

Rice. 8.4. Formula for implementing an animation project

Daily animation program at the accommodation facility may include: 1) sports games and competitions for adults (aerobics on the beach or in the pool, volleyball, water polo, darts, arm wrestling, table tennis, archery and air pistol shooting, etc.); 2) children's programs (games and competitions in the children's playground and swimming pool, evening entertainment programs, themed parties); 3) evening show programs (show competitions, game shows, comic shows, discos, performances of pop groups, amateur art performances, themed parties - disco of the 80s, live music, etc.).

So, a variety of animation programs that combine all types of animation and which are brought to life by energetic and friendly, tactful and highly qualified creative employees of the animation team, help improve the image of the institution, give it a competitive advantage and guarantee the return of clients to this hotel, as the client will return exactly to the place he liked.

Control questions

1. Define the concept of “animation”.

2. List the main features of tourist animation.

3. What is the essence of animation activity and the structure of the animation process?

4. What functions does tourist animation perform?

5. Describe the main types of tourist animation.

6. What is included in the concept of “hotel animation”?

7. What types of tourist animation are distinguished?

8. What are the specifics of the technology for creating and implementing animation programs?

9. Describe the stages of implementation and implementation of animation programs.

10. What forms of organization of animation and leisure activities of hotels are distinguished?

11. What is the essence and significance of animation service in hotels?

12. Give examples of the most popular hotel animation programs.

The Tourist Terminological Dictionary defines the term “animation” as a complex for the development and provision of special programs for spending free time, organizing entertainment and sports leisure activities.

Animation is one of the areas of cultural and leisure activities. It has a certain recreational function - it is an increase in satisfaction with rest, a faster and more complete restoration of moral and physical strength. Cultural and leisure activity refers to the specific activity of people that they exhibit during their leisure time.

Socio-cultural animation not only serves to relieve accumulated psychological and physical stress, but should also help to reveal a person’s abilities, his creative potential, enrich him with new knowledge and skills, help overcome a person’s existing complexes and include him in real action. In this regard, animation activity has a number of characteristic features:

Carried out in free time;

It is distinguished by freedom of choice, voluntariness, activity, initiative of both one person and various social groups;

Determined by national-ethical, regional characteristics and traditions;

Characterized by a variety of species based on the different interests of adults, youth and children;

Differs in deep individuality;

It is of a humanistic, cultural, developmental, health-improving and educational nature.

Tourist animation is a tourist service, the provision of which involves the tourist in an active action that contributes to his recreation. Tourist animation is based on personal contacts between the animator (tourist animation manager) and the tourist, on human intimacy, and the joint participation of the animator and the tourist in the entertainment offered by the animation program of the tourist complex.

Animation as a tourist service pursues the goal of actively promoting the tourism product and increasing the profitability of the tourism business by improving the quality of service for tourists and expanding the number of services provided. In addition, the positive emotions received by the tourist during the animation programs encourage him to re-visit the tourist complex (hotel, cruise ship, etc.).

The organization of such activities is associated with the formation and implementation of entertainment programs (animation programs) that could distract the vacationer from everyday life problems, contribute to his emotional release, being not only a means of getting rid of fatigue, but also a means of neutralizing the negative aspects of everyday life.

When preparing animation programs, such characteristics of tourists as gender, age, nationality, as well as the willingness of tourists to participate in various activities are taken into account.

In the practice of animation, for the targeted design of animation programs, it is necessary to highlight the following functions of tourist animation:

Adaptation, allowing you to move from an everyday environment to a free, leisure environment;

Compensatory, freeing a person from the physical and mental fatigue of everyday life;

Stabilizing, creating positive emotions and stimulating mental stability;

Wellness, aimed at restoring and developing a person’s physical strength;

Informational, allowing you to obtain new information about the country, region, people, etc.;

Educational, which allows you to acquire and consolidate new knowledge about the world around you as a result of vivid impressions;

Improving, bringing intellectual and physical improvement;

Such a variety of functions of tourist animation has led to a variety of types of animation activities, as well as a wide variety of animation programs and events.

2. Main directions of animation in tourism

The main areas of animation activities offered to tourists (animation programs, theatrical performances, animation in theme parks, etc.) are reflected in Table. 1.

Animation programs of event tourism, theatrical performances and entertainment in theme parks often act as the main content of a tour package and are the purpose of travel.

Animation programs throughout the entire period of a tourist’s stay at the hotel should provide him with complete satisfaction (the feeling of fulfillment of a desire, a dream, the achievement of a travel goal).

Sports animation, due to the huge variety of possible offers and great demand, can be used for a wide range of tasks facing workers in the tourism industry - from developing a travel program to acting as a kind of life-saving device in adverse weather conditions (cold windy sea, snowless winter at a ski resort and etc.), in case of transport delays and other troubles.

Table 1. Main directions of animation activities

Animation programs Theatrical performances Animation in theme parks Sports animation Hotel animation
Festive events Carnivals Masquerades Festivals Competitions Fairs Folk holidays Role-playing games Knight tournaments Costume balls Performances in historical interiors Attractions Meetings with fairy-tale characters Meetings with cartoon characters Visiting exotic countries Traveling to the past and future, etc. Mountaineering Rock climbing Archery Aquaplaning Badminton Cycling Gym visits Skittles Bowling Karting Water sports, etc. Gambling (casinos, slot machines) Discos Concerts Creative studios Baths, saunas Fitness Cafes, bars Darts, etc.

Hotel animation is designed primarily to perform an advertising function. In this case, the task of the animators is to ensure that tourists re-visit this tourist complex (hotel) and make their clients a kind of carriers of their advertising.

The selection of animation directions is conditional, since real animation programs are most often complex in nature and contain certain elements of various types of animation. This combination makes animation programs more interesting and rich, and the presence of a sports component contributes to the restoration and strengthening of health, providing the greatest restorative and health-improving effect.

Animation programs for event tourism cover the widest segments of the tourism market and find fans regardless of age, gender, nationality and education. In some ways, restrictions may arise due to the varying solvency of tourists. This area of ​​animation requires significant financial costs, attracting more specialists, and advertising.

Theatrical performances often take advantage of local opportunities and characteristics. An example is opera performances in the interiors of the Vyborg Castle and the Ivangorod Fortress. This type of animation activity requires additional involvement of professionals and advertising promotion of the event. This animation direction has a narrower range of connoisseurs. Most often these are younger and more educated consumers.

Animation in theme parks is most popular among families, honeymooners and small youth groups. Moreover, the main visitors to such parks, which are mostly aimed at children, are adults and mainly foreign tourists. This type of animation requires more animation staff.

Sports animation offers the widest range of offers, and apart from tourists who regularly go in for sports, rarely do any tourists refuse to try their hand at one or another sports entertainment. Sports animation requires appropriate material and technical base and trained instructors.

Hotel animation depends on the size of the hotel, the number of staff, the presence of a separate animation service, and logistics.

3. The concept of “costume tours”. What costume tours could you offer in your region?

Costume tours are one of the avant-garde areas of animation tourism. This might be for example, tours with a vacation on an American ranch, where tourists receive clothes and cowboy equipment, learn to ride a horse, and eat cowboy food. Vienna traditionally hosts professional balls, which tourists can also attend. Balls for officers of the Austrian armed forces, pharmacists, hunters, confectioners, laundresses. Visitors to these balls can rent dresses and costumes styled in the 19th century. There is a trend of increasing demand for these types of tours.

Show museums are museums with living characters from the era being exhibited. Examples of such museums are: the Museum of English

immigrants in Plymouth (USA), open-air museum "Skansen" in

Stockholm. This is a folkloric Swedish village, where you can see interesting souvenirs and folk crafts in ancient city and village houses transported here from different regions of Sweden, and on the streets of Skansen you can meet passers-by in ancient Swedish clothes.

b) Non-museum types of interpretation:

− traditional holidays, festivals, carnivals;

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    The essence, social functions and directions of animation activities in tourism enterprises. Preparation and implementation of animation programs in hotels and recreation centers. Organization of work and structure of the animation service of a hotel enterprise.

    abstract, added 10/15/2010

    Animation as an element of animation programs. Classification of tourists, personality types in relation to leisure activities. Work with different age groups of vacationers. The structure of the hotel animation service, the technology for creating animation programs.

    course work, added 06/18/2013

    Theoretical basis of recreation and organization of cultural and leisure activities in children's health institutions. Educational work, methods of preparing and conducting a sporting event or group game. Physical and tourist training.

    course work, added 06/26/2011

    The specificity and significance of the game in tourist animation activities for children. Development of a game animation program for children based on an analysis of regional animation activities in the tourism sector and customer needs for animation services.

    thesis, added 06/11/2014

    Approaches to existing definitions of the concept of "excursion", its functions and characteristics. Analysis of issues included in the scope of organizing excursion activities. Types and technology of implementation of animation programs. Development of a tour with animation elements.

    course work, added 01/22/2015

    Features of animation in tourism - activities for the development and provision of special programs for spending free time. Studying the essence of animation programs, which include sports games and competitions, dance evenings, carnivals, and hobbies.

    abstract, added 07/14/2010

    Theoretical substantiation of the role of animation technologies in modern youth tourism. Improving the organization of animation programs in youth tourism in the Kaliningrad region. Characteristics of infrastructure and experience in organizing tours.

    thesis, added 10/05/2006

    Features of organizing leisure time for young people, people of the “third age” and people with disabilities. Modern sociocultural animation. The main cultural and leisure centers of France. Cultural, educational and excursion animation programs.

    course work, added 07/05/2014