Photo Country full version from your computer. Meetings and acquaintances. Competitions and prizes

The entertainment service Photostrana combines elements of a social network, a functional dating site and an online gaming service. The dating site is distinguished by the presence of unique photos on each page, that is, any visitor will be able to see the owner of the page, and not a photo hidden under the mask of some star or caricature.

Here you can make acquaintances by appreciating a person’s photo, take part in competitions and sweepstakes, communicate, play online games, organize virtual blind dates, and also get a virtual pet modeled after a Tamagotchi. The little friend will conduct social surveys and bring notifications about new ratings, messages and scheduled events.

Photo country my page login to my page

You can gain access to all the functionality of the Fotostrana.Ru website only after registering on the entertainment portal. This is easiest for users of the mail service because it belongs to the Group social network. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to access the site without registration.

Photocountry my page: login

This can be done, but only the functions of viewing photos of random users, the best photos according to the evaluation participants, and ideal couples will be available.

After registration, you can log in to my page in Photo Country. By the way, authorization in the service is possible without registration - through other social networks. This will simplify the creation of a questionnaire, because some of the information will be imported from the profile of the site through which authorization is performed.

Entering a new wonderful world

Immediately after visiting your profile, the user will have many opportunities on the entertainment portal. All functionality of the service will become available only after uploading a unique photo as an avatar. The more photos you upload, the more popular you will become, because the more photos you have, the more likely it is that they will be offered to random users for evaluation.

My page in Photostrana will give children the opportunity to practice handling a pet (cat, hare, dog, raccoon, tomcat, panda). You need to take care of him like a game character in Tamagotchi and even more. Animal surf races, cake throwing competitions, clearing fairy-tale worlds of evil, dangerous adventures and pirate treasure hunts will add variety to the life of the pet and its owner. The little animal will have to help take care of the inhabitants of its own aquarium and maintain cleanliness in the virtual house and yard.

Many users do not know how to access the mobile version of PhotoCountry. To authorize on the site from a mobile phone or tablet, you must add “m.” at the beginning of the link to the social network so that the address takes the form This version of the resource will load much faster, and working with it from a small touch display is much more convenient.


By clicking “My Page” on the Photo Country resource, the user finds himself in an unknown world where one can see hundreds and even thousands of unfamiliar faces eager for communication, new acquaintances or a partner/rival to spend a few minutes in virtual entertainment. The catalog of games on the site is small, but their fascination stands above all else. After logging in for just a minute to get acquainted with the application, you can wake up a few hours later, having met several interesting people.

The easiest way to make friends is by evaluating photos of other users in the “Meetings” section. Just click on the “Perhaps” or “Yes” buttons in the question asking if you want to meet the person in the photo and wait for a mutual response.

One of the most popular competitions in Photostrana is choosing a face from the cover. Here, users rate photos of random project participants, and the winner becomes the face of the day and even the week, depending on the number of positive ratings. If you are confident in yourself, you should try to fight a duel, where your current avatar and a photo of a randomly selected participant in the game are put up for people to judge.

Search for new acquaintances

It’s easier to find your soul mate or make acquaintance with a new person through the full version of the site. Anyone can figure out how to enter it: enter your username and password for authorization or log in through an available social network. Finding the photo country of a specific person or people from your city is quite simple: go to the “People” section and set filters to filter out search results by gender, age and city of residence.

Reasons why the Photo Country page cannot be opened

  • the browser uses outdated data about the site stored in the cache - it must be cleared along with cookies and restart the web browser (Ctrl+Shift+Del);
  • lack of connection to the network - check the connection, whether the site is blocked by a firewall or SmartScreen filter.

In addition to being an entertainment portal, the service can become a means of earning extra money: just invite your friends to register on the portal by taking part in the affiliate program.

“Photostrana” can boast of both a stationary version of the resource on a PC and a mobile implementation that combines high speed, functionality and convenience. The resource developers met their users halfway by providing the opportunity for desktop PC owners to work from the mobile version of the site. How? Let's look into this material.

The popular social network “Photostrana” is one of the most visited in Russia. Most recently, it celebrated its tenth anniversary; about a million people use its services every day, and the total audience of the resource is an impressive 50 million. Seamlessly combining the functionality of a social network, dating site and entertainment portal, it allows users to spend time on the resource positively, meet new people, and play many exciting games.

The creators of the “Photostrana” project took into account many wishes of their users when developing the functionality of the site. One of these wishes was the ability to launch a mobile version of the site on desktop PCs. To accomplish this task, you need to switch to the mobile version of the site, after which all the conveniences of the mobile implementation will become available to you.

An alternative (albeit somewhat more complicated option) to launch the mobile version of Photostrana on a PC is to use the “Dating nearby on Photostrana” mobile application.

  1. To run this application on a PC, you will need to install some kind of Android OS emulator on your computer (for example, “Nox App Player”).
  2. After launching the emulator and logging into it using your Google account.
  3. You need to search for this application using the search function, install it, and start using its capabilities.

How to use the mobile version on PC

After switching to the mobile version of the site from your PC, you will be asked to register, or enter your existing username and password (login to My Page).

After entering the latter, you are immediately taken to a photo contest in which you are asked to like this or that person.

If, after registering on Photostrana, you have entered the full version of the site, then again use the link above to enter the Photostrana mobile version.

There are two main buttons on the top left:

At the very bottom there are various technical and service options, thanks to which you can switch to the full version of the site, get help from the support service, read legal information, and also leave the resource.

Sections of the site "Photostrana"

Among the fundamental sections of the Photostrana website there are usually the following:

  • Section "People". Here you can meet new friends, find your soul mate, or just meet some interesting people. This section allows you to take into account your geographical location, offering you acquaintance with people living nearby;

    The “People” section will allow you to meet new people taking into account the geographical factor

  • News sections (“My news” and “Interesting news”)– will introduce you to interesting posts, as well as news relating to you and your page;
  • Section "Photos"" You can post your photos here, take part in various competitions (“Perfect Couple”, “Birthday”, etc.), as well as view and like photos of users you like;
  • "Meetings"— this section offers you to make acquaintances in a playful way, by liking the person you like. Choose the person you would like to meet, like his photo, and if he likes you back, then you will get a chance for a real meeting;

    The “Meetings” section will help you find a future meeting partner

  • "My friends"— will show your friends on the site;
  • "My finances"— will show the amount of resource currency (“FM”) you have, as well as ways to replenish it;
  • "Interesting offers"- will invite you to play some exciting game.

    "Interesting offers" will help you choose an exciting game

Switching between sections is done by clicking on the “Settings” button, which is always located at the top.


The mobile version of the Photostrana website offers users fast and ergonomic functionality that is convenient to use on a PC. To switch to the telephone version of the site, you need to go to, after which the mobile version of the resource will become available to you. If you want to return to the standard (full) version of the site, then just click on the inscription “Full version” located at the very bottom of the page.

In contact with

The free dating application “Photostrana” has a large number of users (more than 50 million people), which is increasing every day. Therefore, it is easy to find a soul mate here, a person with similar interests and hobbies for meetings and dates.

Before installing the Photo Country application on Android, you need to go to the Play Market, find it and download it. This application can also be downloaded from the App Store for iOS. For this reason, Photo Country is compatible not only with iPhone, but also with iPad and iPod touch. The program is also supported by Windows Phone.

Application Description

This is a very popular social network, which is intended for finding and meeting people near you. More than 20,000 new users register here every day. Using the application, it is easy to communicate thanks to a simple interface and a multifunctional chat in which you can write SMS, send emoticons, photos, and gifts.

The Photo Country mobile application focuses on a large number of personal photos in the profile. When added, they must undergo moderation. They can be evaluated and commented on. Photos are entered into a photo competition.

Application with great functionality:

  • In the “Meetings” tab, you can find mutual likes by looking through user photos and marking your favorite ones.
  • The “My News” section contains information about who visited your page and who likes you. The people who liked your photo in the photo contest are also indicated.
  • "Photo Contest" shows your fans and contestants.
  • In “Messages” you can chat with friends and other users of the application.

Free app features

  • Registration and communication are absolutely free.
  • Find friends through other social networks, email, etc.
  • Voting, commenting and rating photos.
  • Gallery expansion.
  • Editing settings in the system.
  • Information about profile guests, those who liked your photo.

Paid features

  • You can see who wants to meet right now when you connect to VIP status.
  • Send gifts.
  • Look for people nearby.

Benefits of the application

  • In order to download the Photo Country application to your phone, you do not need a lot of free space, because it takes up about 60 MB.
  • There are a lot of users.
  • The ability to download the application not only on Android, but also on other platforms.
  • Simple, user-friendly interface.
  • Wide functionality.
  • To register, you can use your account on other social networks.
  • Paid features can be easily paid for by earning money through games.

Cons of the service

A small drawback is the presence of users in the application who can write obscenities and insults. Ignoring such people will quickly get rid of the problem.

Photo Country is an experimental social network with an intuitive interface, a wide entertainment program and the functionality of a dating site that can find friends, interlocutors or a soulmate, as the developers assure, in just “a few clicks.” At the start, it is important to register and fill out a form, and then all that remains is to “put forward requirements” for candidates and begin the search. In just a few days, new acquaintances will completely change your leisure time, and, perhaps, your life.

Features of the Photostrana dating service

  • Dating without restrictions and rules. The Fotostrana website offers to look for a friend or soulmate using classic methods for the genre - with the help of “Likes” left on the pages of those who are “to your liking”. You just have to go to the “Meeting” section and you can navigate through the pages and leave your likes. But then all you have to do is wait - those who received the “Heart” will definitely find out about everything and will soon return for a return visit. And, perhaps, in a week the virtual conversation will turn into a romantic walk under the light of dim lanterns on the embankment of your favorite city...
  • Exchange of messages, gifts and likes. Not everyone is able to immediately respond to a meeting and begin real communication. Sometimes it is important to pause and keep some interlocutors in the field of virtual influence. “Photostrana” will also help with this approach. The developers allow you to exchange messages in a one-on-one format or add them to separate chats and be active there. Regardless of your choice, gaining public attention is easier than it seems at first glance!
  • Entertainment that sweeps away sadness. The “Entertainment” section on the social network pages is updated continuously and almost daily. The authors offer to spin a virtual bottle, rate other people's photos, and show creative talent when writing comments.
  • In addition to those games that are aimed directly at romance and dating, you can also distract yourself in the standard way - puzzles, arcades, strategies - you can also spend your free time in Photoland!

Dating sites have long provided for searching for candidates based on selected parameters and imposed conditions. If you need a decent family man in a neighboring city, and without bad habits, then why not check the appropriate boxes and get people who fit the chosen conditions in the Photo Country application? Then all you have to do is put your likes and wait for a response.

Separately, it is worth noting an important feature - the developers allow you to interact with the Photostrana service even in anonymous status - without registration. The “Dating” section quickly turns into a search bar where it’s easy to select candidates and even target a future date. The main thing is not to waste too much time. There is already a queue for some beauties and handsome men, and therefore it is important to be active. And not only through likes, but thanks to gifts and comments. Let miracles happen!

To log into PhotoCountry’s “My Page” safely and reduce the likelihood of problems occurring on the social network, you should familiarize yourself with some details.

You should only enter the “My Page” of the social and entertainment network on the official website of Photo Country (link below). In the address bar of the browser after the transition it should be written

Currently, sites appear that look similar to the original ones. After registering on such resources and sending messages to a phone number, you can lose a significant amount of money from your mobile operator account.

The administration pays great attention to user comfort and provides possible solutions to problems.

Photo Country, as a social network, is aimed at connecting people and sharing their photos. The system for distributing the importance of an account and a specific photo is carried out using ratings, which are subsequently used in the rating and as the currency of the network.

Cons of PhotoCountry:

  • persistent requests to send paid SMS in games to receive some points and bonuses, as well as spam to your mailbox (it’s better to have a separate one);
  • a large number of active bots that come to the page under the guise of users, encouraging them to send messages, etc.;
  • Some members can visit other people's profiles without logging into their own account.

But, despite this, Photostrana as a dating site is a safe resource, unlike many others. Every day new acquaintances and correspondence are made between people of different ages.

“My Page” of the social and entertainment network Photostrana

As with other social resources, in the social and entertainment network Fotostrana, creating a personal page begins with uploading a photo and entering personal data. This is necessary so that other users can view the primary information, and also so that the search can return the created page to the request. The pages reflect the data that is set for public viewing. Users who access the page directly through a browser request will not be able to use the profile search.

Photostrana network - logging into “My Page” opens the search to a huge number of users from different cities of Russian-speaking countries, with individual interests and hobbies. Different departments have been developed for entertainment and communication:

  • tab " People" helps you find the right person by setting the necessary parameters in the filter;

  • « Applications"— here you can use the menu of genre categories and spend your free time playing the game;
  • « My news"— allows you to view photos of people who visited your personal profile and left ratings. When you hover the cursor, brief user information is displayed in the form of name, age and place of residence. By clicking on the photo, a window opens with a large photo size, as well as buttons for rating and going to the personal profile page;

  • « Interesting news" - a feed of published messages and photos of other users.

Dating site Photostrana - possible problems with “My Page”

Often, users of the Photostrana dating site cannot access “My Page” for the following reasons:

  • data loss;
  • confusion with logins and passwords;
  • page theft.

Indeed, it happens that accounts on this dating site are hacked by attackers. In the future, these pages are used to send cunning messages to acquaintances and friends, persuading them to go to a prepared malicious page with further deception schemes.

To avoid this, just set a strong password and save it. It is recommended to remember the address of the “My Page” of Photo Country - the profile number, for further quick recovery. For this:

  • go to your personal page using your real address;
  • in the address bar (top line of any browser) find and save number your page;

  • You can also hover your mouse over the “Photostrana” logo (upper left corner of the dating site) and click. Now in the address bar you can see profile number.

By copying and saving the number in any convenient way, the dating site page will be protected.

Restoring access to your page - login without a password or login (profile has been hacked)

  • If forgotten or lost password from your account, then for this purpose an automatic system is provided for restoring access to the page by sending a new temporary password through the “Forgot password" form.
  • If forgot your login(email), then an automatic recovery option is provided by inserting your page address into the automatic form (you can find it by opening the history of the browser that was used to open Photo Country) and the phone number associated with the page.