How to delete downloaded computer games. How to remove games if they are not in the uninstall program? How to properly remove the game completely and all its components from a computer or laptop using the built-in method

There are several ways you can remove a game from your computer. In this case, there may be some nuances that untrained users may encounter. So, below you will learn how to uninstall the game and how to fix possible problems.

Uninstalling a game using built-in tools

Conscientious developers usually include an uninstaller in the installer, with which you can remove the game without any difficulty. Depending on the developer, a shortcut for such an uninstaller may or may not be placed in the standard Start menu.

Using the uninstaller located in the Start menu

Click the “Start” button in the lower left corner or click the button with the “window” on the keyboard:

Select “All programs”, in the list of programs we find the game that we are going to delete. As an example, I will be deleting the game Far Cry 3.

Open the folder with the game in the Start menu, find the uninstaller by its name and launch it. The following window or a similar one will open:

Click on “Yes”. This particular one re-clarifies whether to remove games:

Since we are considering today a scenario in which we need to completely remove the game from the computer, by clicking on “Yes”, we wait until the uninstaller program completes and receive the following notification:

That's all. The uninstaller built into the game itself took care of deleting not only the game files, but the player profile with saved games.

Launching the uninstaller through the Control Panel

There are several ways to access the built-in Windows Control Panel. Let's look at one of the most obvious ones using Windows 7 as an example. Open “Computer” (in Windows 8-10 it can be “This PC”) and under the address bar we find a direct transition to the “Control Panel” submenu, which is responsible for uninstalling applications (and games) ):

In the list that opens, now look for the game that we want to delete (in this example, I will delete the Angry Birds game), select it and click on the “Delete” button in the top panel:

The system may ask you again whether you really want to delete the specified game - confirm:

We are waiting for the uninstaller to work:

After completing the work, you may see a window with a report about the completion of the game uninstallation. In this case, the system did not display such a window for me, but simply returned to the menu with a list of programs:

As you can see, the game has been completely removed.

These methods will help you uninstall the game correctly, if its manufacturer has developed a correct uninstallation program. But what should you do if you cannot remove the game using the above methods, or after removal you can observe “remnants” of game files and/or save files? Then turn your attention to other removal methods.

Removing a game using special utilities

In order for the game removal procedure to be 100% correct and complete, you can use one of the special utilities for removing games and applications. It will find all files and game keys and completely delete them. We will look at several popular uninstaller programs.

This program is one of the most popular solutions for the tasks we need. This software completely deletes all folders and files of the game, as well as branches and values ​​in the Windows registry that are no longer needed after the game is deleted. Among other things, this program has a “forced” uninstallation function, which, using a special filter, will help remove particularly annoying games that for some reason could not be gotten rid of in the usual ways.

It is worth saying that before starting the process, Revo Uninstaller will create a backup copy of the registry and a Windows restore point, which will allow, if necessary, to roll back to the system state before removing the game in just a couple of clicks.

Afterwards, the uninstallation program built into the game is launched, if there is one, and after the process is completed, Revo Uninstaller will prompt you to scan the system for “residues” from the game:

If the process went flawlessly, the program will give you the following:

This program, according to the developers, removes games and applications approximately 3 times faster than the system utility.

Similar interface to the previous program. Now let's remove the Angry Birds game again, but using the utility:

Again, the built-in uninstaller is initially launched:

And after its completion, the utility will ask you whether to look for the remains of the game. Answers the program in the affirmative:

After conducting a search, the utility, if any remains are found, will report this and offer to delete it. If they are not found, you will receive a message stating that the game has been completely removed:

Sometimes it happens that the built-in uninstaller is completely missing, or for one reason or another is damaged, and the game cannot be removed even with the help of specialized utilities. This makes removal difficult and you will have to use method 3.

Uninstalling a game manually

In order to delete the game yourself and “forcibly”, you need to perform the following steps:

In the editor itself, you need to press the combination Ctrl + F, then enter the name of the game in the search bar and click “Find Next”. The found key must be deleted and repeated until the editor reports that there are no search results.

If you are interested in the question of how to remove all games from your computer manually or by another method, then I have to inform you that such a method has not yet been developed, at least because it is impossible to set some kind of search criterion with which you can find only games and exclude other applications installed on the system.

Video on how to delete a game

You can clearly see in the following video how to remove the game using the first method:

Based on what was written above, there are quite a lot of ways to remove a game from a computer correctly and completely, including special utilities, and for those who especially “don’t want” to be removed, you can perform a “forced” removal.

Many newcomers to computer science often have a question: how to properly remove programs from a computer? And this question is correct.

After all, if you remove programs, properly called uninstallation, in the wrong way, then the computer may become clogged with waste. I’ll tell you about which ones at the end of the article. And now, I’ll tell you about three correct ways to remove programs and games, one of them should be used.

Remove using uninst.exe

Every program or game contains this file - uninst.exe, this is a file for deleting something. Sometimes it may be called unins000.exe, sometimes a little differently, but almost everywhere the first three letters are uni . It can be found this way Start -> Computer -> Disk C (system drive) -> Program Files -> Folder with the program -> uninst.exe. True, sometimes, very rarely, it happens that it is hidden in some other folder, but finding it will not be difficult, and maybe it will be, because sometimes it is located in very unusual places :). The picture below shows what it all roughly looks like.

After you double-click on this file, you will either immediately be prompted uninstall the program(may be in English), or a clarification window will pop up, as shown below, and you will now need to decide exactly what to do.

Uninstall via the control panel.

Another method of “demolition” is through the “Programs and Features” item in windows 7, and in windows xp “Add or Remove Programs”. It's all located along this path Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features.

After double-clicking on it, the following window will open.

In the image above you might have seen “Delete/Change”. This means that this program has a crash recovery function, or you can install any additional components into it. If it simply says “Delete,” then you can only carry out the uninstallation process.

To be honest, this item in the Control Panel is simply looking for the uninst.exe file. The whole point and convenience is that this process is automated here. As I said, the uninstallation file is not always easy to find, but using the “Programs and Features” item, Windows itself searches for this file.

Uninstallation using third-party programs.

Yes, yes, the process of “deleting” something from your PC can be done using third-party utilities. For example, using CCleaner. Open it, go to the “Service” tab, left-click once on what you want to “demolish” and click “Uninstall”, and then the process is identical to what I described above. I explained how to use this utility in a video tutorial.

One wrong way

There is another way, it is not entirely correct, it would be more accurate to say not at all correct, but sometimes it’s impossible without him.

It happens that when uninstalling, the error “The file uninstall.exe was not found” or something similar pops up. It happens that some other error appears and the whole problem is that it is not possible to destroy the program using any of the three methods suggested above! After all, all those methods are based on the fact that the uninstall.exe file is first looked for and then deleted using it. But what if for some reason it’s not there?!

You'll have to do everything manually. Go to the folder Program Files Click on the folder with the name of this program once with the left mouse button and press Delete (or Del) on the keyboard. And then you wait, if the program is heavy, it can take a very long time to uninstall; I once waited half an hour.

We performed a “dirty” uninstallation. At the beginning of the article, I said that I would tell you why it’s not right to do this, so now I’ll explain.

Almost every software, when installed, enters the entries necessary for its operation into the registry, into various Windows databases, and also into other programs to which it is related. So, by deleting the “dirty” method, we only get rid of the program files, and all entries remain in Windows. Over time, the computer becomes clogged and this begins to affect its performance - speed, performance, etc.

That is why after “dirty” removals it is necessary to immediately clean up drive C and registry. Well, I again explained how this is done in this lesson, so there shouldn’t be any problems.

I tried to explain everything as simply as possible. I hope it worked.

Hello! Yesterday I received a letter from subscriber Valentina Startseva with the following content:

“Sveta, please teach me. how to completely remove games oh, I downloaded the game for my granddaughter, but he doesn’t like it, I read somewhere, what needs to be removed correctly, and not just throw it in the trash, I didn’t write it down then, but now I don’t know how to do it. Thank you."

Why even remove games and programs correctly?

What's the difference, you ask? In fact, there really is a difference.

When you remove unnecessary programs using special Windows tools, they are completely and completely removed. While, by deleting, for example, a shortcut, you do not delete the program itself.

Or, by uninstalling a program using the uninstaller of the program itself, you can also leave some unnecessary files on the computer. These will be, for example, some scraps of unnecessary and old files, temporary files. And they often take up a lot of space on the computer and can slow down the operation of the entire computer.

So today we will learn how to remove unnecessary programs using the example of uninstalling a game.

Actually, I don’t have any unnecessary programs on my computer, so I’ll delete one of my son’s games.

I hope he doesn't need it.)))

At least he hasn't played it for a long time.

So, while her son is doing his homework, his mother deletes his game from the computer.

Step 1. Press the button "Start". Next, click on "Control Panel".

Step 2. We are looking for an item.

Step 3. Select from the menu that appears the name of our game/program. In my case, this is the game “Tanks”. Let's click on it.

Step 4. Our game will be highlighted in blue, and it will appear "Delete" button. Click on this button.

Step 5. Another window will appear. Press the button on it too "Delete".

Step 6. The following window will appear. We are waiting for the program to be uninstalled.

Step 7 When the game is uninstalled, a new window will appear and "Close" button. Click on it.

Step 8 Now our game has disappeared from our list of programs. This means we have successfully removed the game.

That's all. Good luck in removing unnecessary programs and games from your computer!

Remote work with high wages

Good day. I recently received a question from a user. I will quote it verbatim:

"Greetings. Please tell me how to remove the program (one game). In general, I go to the control panel, find the installed programs, press the delete button - the program is not deleted (some kind of error appears and that’s it)! Is there any way to remove any program from a PC? I use Windows 8. Thank you in advance, Mikhail...”

In this article I want to answer this question in detail (especially since it is asked quite often). So…

Most users use the standard Windows utility to install and remove programs. To uninstall a program, you need to go to the Windows Control Panel and select " uninstalling programs"(see Fig. 1).

But relatively often, when deleting programs in this way, various types of errors arise. Most often such problems arise:

With games (apparently the developers don’t care much about the fact that their game will someday need to be removed from the computer);

With various toolbars and add-ons for browsers (this is generally a separate topic...). As a rule, many of these add-ons can be immediately classified as viral, and their benefits are questionable (unless you consider showing ads on half the screen a “benefit”).

If you can’t remove the program through “Add or Remove Programs” (sorry for the tautology), I recommend using the following utilities: Geek Uninstaller or Revo Uninstaller.

Geek Uninstaller

An excellent little utility for removing any programs! Works in all popular Windows OS: XP, 7, 8, 10.

Allows you to see all installed programs in Windows, perform a forced uninstall (which will be important for programs that cannot be uninstalled in the usual way), and in addition, Geek Uninstaller will be able to clean all the “tails” remaining after removing the software (for example, various types of registry entries).

By the way, the so-called “tails” are usually not removed using standard Windows tools, which does not have a very good effect on the operation of Windows (especially if too much of this “garbage” accumulates).

What makes Geek Uninstaller particularly attractive:

The ability to manually delete an entry in the registry (as well as find it out, see Fig. 3);

The ability to find out the program installation folder (thus also deleting it manually);

Find out the official website of any installed program.

Rice. 3. Features of the Geek Uninstaller program

Result: The program is in the style of minimalism, there is nothing superfluous. At the same time, a good tool, within the scope of its tasks, allows you to remove all software installed in Windows. Convenient and fast!

Revo Uninstaller

One of the best utilities for removing unwanted applications from Windows. The program has in its arsenal a good algorithm for scanning the system not only of installed programs, but also of those that have long been removed (remnants and “tails”, erroneous entries in the registry that can affect the speed of Windows).

By the way, many people recommend installing such a utility as one of the first ones after installing a new Windows. Thanks to the “hunter” mode, the utility is able to handle all the changes that occur to the system when installing and updating any programs! Thanks to this, you can remove the faulty application at any time and return your computer to its previous working state.

Result: in my humble opinion, Revo Uninstaller offers the same functionality as Geek Uninstaller (except that it is more convenient to use - there are convenient sorters: new programs, not used for a long time, etc.).


That's all. All the best to everyone :)

Removing games from your computer may be needed for various reasons - they take up too much space on your hard drive, you are tired of them and simply don’t like them. However, many users do not know how to remove a game so that no trace of it remains on the device. About, how to completely remove a game from your computer, will be described in detail in this article.

  1. We remove using standard means
  • To do this you need to open a window Control panels.
  • In the Control Panel window, go to the subsection “ Programs and components».
  • In the window with installed applications, we look for the program that needs to be removed.

  • Select the desired line with the mouse and click on the button “ Delete».

  • In the confirmation window, press the button “ Delete».

  • After this procedure, the removal wizard will start, following the prompts of which you can perform the uninstallation.

  1. Next, you need to delete the game folder that may have remained in the system folder Program Files or in any other place where the game was originally installed. You can also view the remaining game folders by going to the folder Documents and Settings, on drive C. There you should go to the folder with the user name, and then to the system folder Application Data. We delete everything with the name of the deleted game.
  2. We empty the trash can.
  3. Now you need to clean the registry of possible residues.

You should be very careful when cleaning the registry, since accidentally deleting necessary files can lead to the system not working correctly and you will have to do a complete reinstall. Therefore, it is better to use special free utilities that are convenient and safe to use.

One of the most convenient free programs for cleaning your computer from all unnecessary “junk” is the utility CCleaner. You can download it from the official resource completely free of charge.

  • Download and install the program CCleaner.
  • We put it into operation and on the left side of the application window on the gray panel you can see a button with the inscription “ Registry" Click on it.
  • Next, you need to click on the button “ Troubleshooting».