Modern methods and means of information protection. Presentation "methods of information protection" Information technologies for information protection presentation

Presentation on the topic: Information security. Information security methods

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Information security is a set of organizational, technical and technological measures to protect information from unauthorized access, destruction, modification, disclosure and delays in access. Information security provides a guarantee that the following goals are achieved: confidentiality of information (the property of information resources, including information, related to the fact that they will not become accessible and will not be disclosed to unauthorized persons); integrity of information and related processes (immutability information during its transmission or storage); availability of information when it is needed (a property of information resources, including information, that determines the possibility of their receipt and use at the request of authorized persons); accounting of all processes related to information.

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Ensuring information security consists of three components: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. The points of application of the information security process to the information system are: hardware, software, communication (communications). The protection procedures (mechanisms) themselves are divided into physical level protection and personnel protection at the organizational level.

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A security threat to a computer system is a potential occurrence (whether intentional or not) that could have an undesirable impact on the system itself as well as the information stored on it. A threat analysis conducted by the National Computer Security Association in 1998 in the United States revealed the following statistics:

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Types of information threats Information threatsTechnologicalPhysicalHumanForce majeureFailure of equipment and internal life support systemsSoftware (logical)Local intruderRemote intruderOrganizationalImpact on personnelPhysical impact on personnelPsychological impact on personnelActions of personnelEspionageUnintentional actions

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Security policy is a set of measures and active actions to manage and improve security systems and technologies, including information security. Legislative level Administrative level Procedural level Software and technical level

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Organizational protection; organization of regime and security. organization of work with employees (selection and placement of personnel, including familiarization with employees, their study, training in the rules of working with confidential information, familiarization with penalties for violating information security rules, etc.) organization of work with documents and documented information (development, use, accounting, execution, return, storage and destruction of documents and media of confidential information); organizing the use of technical means of collecting, processing, accumulating and storing confidential information; organizing work to analyze internal and external threats to confidential information and developing measures to ensure its protection; organizing work on carrying out systematic monitoring of the work of personnel with confidential information, the procedure for recording, storing and destroying documents and technical media.

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Technical means of information protection To protect the perimeter of the information system, the following are created: security and fire alarm systems; digital video surveillance systems; access control and management systems (ACS). Protection of information from leakage by technical communication channels is ensured by the following means and measures: the use of shielded cable and laying wires and cables in shielded structures; installation of high-frequency filters on communication lines; construction of shielded rooms (“capsules”); use of shielded equipment; installation of active noise systems; creation of controlled areas.

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Hardware information security Special registers for storing security details: passwords, identification codes, stamps or security levels; Devices for measuring individual characteristics of a person (voice, fingerprints) for the purpose of his identification; Circuits for interrupting the transmission of information in a communication line for the purpose of periodically checking the data output address .Devices for encrypting information (cryptographic methods).Uninterruptible power systems:Uninterruptible power supplies;Load backup;Voltage generators.

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Information security software Tools for protecting against unauthorized access (AP): Authorization tools; Mandatory access control; Selective access control; Role-based access control; Journaling (also called Audit). Information flow analysis and modeling systems (CASE systems). Network monitoring systems: Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS). Confidential information leak prevention systems (DLP systems). Protocol analyzers. Anti-virus tools.

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Information security software Firewalls. Cryptographic tools: Encryption; Digital signature. Backup systems. Authentication systems: Password; Access key (physical or electronic); Certificate; Biometrics. Tools for analyzing security systems: Monitoring software product.

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TYPES OF ANTI-VIRUS PROGRAMS Detectors allow you to detect files infected with one of several known viruses. Some detector programs also perform heuristic analysis of files and system areas of disks, which often (but by no means always) allows them to detect new viruses unknown to the detector program. Filters are resident programs that notify the user of all attempts by any program to write to a disk, much less format it, as well as other suspicious actions. Doctor programs or phages not only find files infected with viruses, but also “treat” them, i.e. remove the body of the virus program from the file, returning the files to their original state. Auditors remember information about the state of files and system areas of disks, and during subsequent starts, they compare their state to the original one. If any discrepancies are detected, the user is notified. Guards or filters are located resident in the computer's RAM and check launched files and inserted USB drives for viruses. Vaccine programs or immunizers modify programs and disks in such a way that this does not affect the operation of the programs, but the virus against which the vaccination is performed considers these programs or disks to be already infected.

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Disadvantages of antivirus programs None of the existing antivirus technologies can provide complete protection against viruses. An antivirus program takes up part of the system's computing resources, loading the central processor and hard drive. This can be especially noticeable on weak computers. Antivirus programs can see a threat where there is none (false positives). Antivirus programs download updates from the Internet, thereby wasting traffic. Various encryption and malware packaging methods make even known viruses undetectable by antivirus software. Detecting these "disguised" viruses requires a powerful decompression engine that can decrypt files before scanning them. However, many antivirus programs do not have this feature and, as a result, it is often impossible to detect encrypted viruses.

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3) According to the operating algorithm, Residence Viruses with this property operate continuously while the computer is turned on. Self-encryption and polymorphism Polymorphic viruses change their code or the body of the program, making them difficult to detect. Stealth algorithm Stealth viruses “hide” in RAM and an antivirus program cannot detect them. Non-standard techniques Fundamentally new methods of influencing a virus on a computer.

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Malicious programs A Trojan horse is a program that contains some destructive function that is activated when a certain trigger condition occurs. Usually such programs are disguised as some useful utilities. Types of destructive actions: Destruction of information. (The specific choice of objects and methods of destruction depends only on the imagination of the author of such a program and the capabilities of the OS. This function is common to Trojan horses and bookmarks). Interception and transmission of information. (passwords typed on the keyboard). Targeted modification of a program. Worms are viruses that spread across global networks, affecting entire systems rather than individual programs. This is the most dangerous type of virus, since in this case information systems of a national scale become the objects of attack. With the advent of the global Internet, this type of security breach poses the greatest threat, because... any of the computers connected to this network can be exposed to it at any time. The main function of viruses of this type is to hack the attacked system, i.e. overcoming protection to compromise security and integrity.

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identification is calling oneself a person to the system; authentication is the establishment of a person's correspondence to the identifier he named; authorization - providing this person with opportunities in accordance with the rights assigned to him or checking the availability of rights when trying to perform any action


Data protection

is a set of measures aimed at ensuring information security.

Why was there a need to protect information?

The problem of protecting information from unauthorized access has become especially acute with the widespread use of local and, especially, global computer networks.

Often the damage is caused by simple user errors who accidentally corrupt or delete vital data.

Why protect information?

Information circulating in control and communication systems can cause large-scale accidents, military conflicts, disruption of the activities of scientific centers and laboratories, and the ruin of banks and commercial organizations. Therefore, information must be able to be protected from distortion, loss, leakage, and illegal use.

Type of protection

Protection methods

From equipment failures

From accidental loss or distortion of information stored on a computer

  • Request confirmation for executing commands that modify files (for example, when replacing a file);

From computer viruses

Setting special attributes of documents and programs (read-only, hidden);

  • Archiving and backing up files
  • Preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of infection;

From unauthorized access to information (its use, modification, distribution)

The ability to cancel an incorrect action or restore an erroneously deleted file;

Using antivirus programs.


Limiting user access to PC resources.


"electronic locks";

Administrative and law enforcement measures.

Automatic file backup

When using automatic backup programs, the command to save the file is automatically duplicated and the file is saved on two separate media, for example, on two hard drives. Failure of one of them does not lead to loss of information.

File backup is widely used, particularly in banking.

Types of computer crimes

  • Unauthorized access to information,
  • Entering logic bombs,
  • Development and distribution of viruses,
  • Criminal negligence in development,
  • Forgery of computer information,
  • Theft of computer information.

Measures to prevent computer crimes

  • Technical
  • Organizational
  • Legal

The protection of information in computers should be considered as a set of measures, including organizational, technical, legal, software, operational, insurance and even moral and ethical measures.

Technical measures

Protection against unauthorized access to the system

Redundancy of critical computer subsystems

Organization of computer networks

Installation of fire fighting equipment

Equipped with locks and alarms.

Organizational measures

  • computer center security,
  • careful selection of personnel,
  • availability of a recovery plan (after failure),
  • universality of protection against all users.

Legal measures

  • Development of standards establishing liability for computer crimes;
  • Copyright protection of programmers;
  • Improving criminal and civil legislation.

"Legislation in the field of information"

10 basic laws, in which:

  • basic terms and concepts are defined,
  • issues of dissemination of information are regulated,
  • copyright protection,
  • property and non-property relations.

Article 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

  • Provides criminal liability for the creation of computer programs or their modification, leading to unauthorized destruction.
  • Protects the rights of the owner.
  • Criminal liability resulting from the creation of the program.
  • To attract people, the very fact of creating programs is sufficient.

Legal protection of information is regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation

The legal protection provided by this law applies to all types of computer programs that can be expressed in any language and in any form, including source text in a programming language and machine code. But legal protection does not extend to the ideas and principles underlying the computer program, including the ideas and principles of organizing the interface and algorithm.

To notify about his rights, the program developer can, starting from the first release of the program, use a copyright symbol consisting of 3 elements:

  • the letters C in a circle or parentheses ©; name (name) of the copyright holder; the year the program was first released.
  • the letters C in a circle or parentheses ©;
  • name (name) of the copyright holder;
  • the year the program was first released.

© Microsoft Corporation, 1993-1997.

An organization or user who legally owns a copy of the program (who has purchased a license to use it) has the right, without obtaining additional permission from the developer, to carry out any actions related to the operation of the program, including recording it and storing it in computer memory. Recording and storage in computer memory are permitted in relation to one computer or one user on the network, unless otherwise provided by the agreement with the developer.

You must be aware of and comply with existing laws prohibiting illegal copying and use of licensed software. In relation to organizations or users who violate copyrights, the developer may demand compensation for damages caused and payment by the infringer of compensation in an amount determined at the discretion of the court from 5,000 times to 50,000 times the minimum monthly wage.

Electronic digital signature

In 2002, the Russian Federation Law “On Electronic Digital Signatures” was adopted, which became the legislative basis for electronic document management in Russia. According to this law, an electronic digital signature in an electronic document is recognized as legally equivalent to a signature in a paper document.

When registering an electronic digital signature in specialized centers, the correspondent receives two keys: secret and public. The secret key is stored on a floppy disk or smart card and should be known only to the correspondent himself. The public key must be shared with all potential recipients of the documents and is usually sent via email.

The process of electronically signing a document consists of processing the message text using a secret key. Next, the encrypted message is sent by email to the subscriber. To verify the authenticity of the message and electronic signature, the subscriber uses a public key.

The computer air defense system of the North American continent once declared a false nuclear alarm, putting the armed forces on alert. And the reason was a faulty chip worth 46 cents - a small, coin-sized silicon element.

Examples of errors when working with information

In 1983, there was a flood in the southwestern United States. The cause was a computer that had been fed incorrect weather data, causing it to send an erroneous signal to the floodgates blocking the Colorado River.

Examples of errors when working with information

In 1971, 352 cars disappeared from the New York Railroad. The criminal used information from the computer center that manages the railroad and changed the destination addresses of the cars. The damage caused amounted to more than a million dollars.

Incorrect operation of users and maintenance personnel

80-90% of threats to the information security of large companies come from the “internal enemy” - careless users who can, for example, download a file with a virus from the network.

Technical equipment failures

Preventing cable system disruptions

Power failure protection

Preventing disk system failure

Unauthorized access from outside

« Hacker" is an English word that refers to an individual who enjoys learning the details of how computer systems work and expanding the capabilities of those systems (as opposed to most users who prefer to know only the bare minimum).

information security professionals

hackers (


The main task of a hacker is to, by examining protection, discover weaknesses in the security system and inform users and developers about them in order to eliminate the vulnerabilities found and increase the level of protection.

Crackers carry out “hacking” of the system in order to gain unauthorized access to information resources and systems that are closed to them.



penetration into the system with the aim of completely destroying it


fame achieved by infiltrating a system


hacking a system for the purpose of making money by stealing or replacing information

Protecting information on the Internet

If a computer is connected to the Internet, then, in principle, any user also connected to the Internet can access the information resources of this computer. If the server has a connection to the Internet and simultaneously serves as a local network server (Intranet server), then unauthorized penetration from the Internet into the local network is possible.

The mechanisms of penetration from the Internet to the local computer and to the local network can be different:

  • Web pages loaded into the browser may contain active ActiveX controls or Java applets that can perform destructive actions on the local computer;
  • Some Web servers place text cookies on the local computer, using which you can obtain confidential information about the user of the local computer;
  • Using special utilities, you can access the disks and files of the local computer, etc.

To prevent this from happening, a software or hardware barrier is installed between the Internet and the Intranet using firewall(firewall - firewall). The firewall monitors data transfer between networks, monitors current connections, detects suspicious activities and thereby prevents unauthorized access from the Internet to the local network.


Firewall) is a software and/or hardware barrier between two networks, allowing only authorized connections to be established.

A firewall protects a local network or a separate personal computer connected to the Internet from outside penetration and prevents access to confidential information.

Protection of programs from illegal copying and use

Computer pirates, illegally reproducing software, devalue the work of programmers and make software development an economically unprofitable business. In addition, computer pirates often offer users unfinished programs, programs with errors, or demo versions of them.

In order for computer software to function, it must be installed (installed). The software is distributed by manufacturing companies in the form of distribution kits on CD-ROM. Each distribution has its own serial number, which prevents illegal copying and installation of programs.

Special protection can be used to prevent illegal copying of programs and data stored on a CD-ROM. The CD-ROM may contain an encrypted program key, which is lost when copied and without which the program cannot be installed.

Protection against illegal use of programs can be implemented using a hardware key, which is usually connected to the parallel port of the computer. The protected program accesses the parallel port and requests a secret code; If the hardware key is not connected to the computer, the protected program detects a security violation and stops executing.

  • Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 1886
  • Universal Copyright Convention 1952

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation Art. 44.
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Law on Copyright and Related Rights 1993
  • Law of the Russian Federation “On the legal protection of computer programs and databases” 1992

  • Latin letter C inside a circle ©,
  • Name of the owner of the exclusive copyright,
  • Date of first publication.

© Microsoft Corporation, 1993-1997

  • Copyright,
  • Right to a name
  • Right of publication
  • The right to protection of reputation.

If programs are created in the performance of official duties or on the instructions of the employer, then they belong to the employer, unless otherwise provided in the agreement between him and the author.

Extract from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Chapter 28. Crimes in the field of computer information

Article 272. Illegal access to computer information.

1. Unlawful access to legally protected computer information, that is, information on computer media, in an electronic computer (computer), if this act entailed the destruction, blocking, modification or copying of information, disruption of the operation of the computer, is punishable

  • a fine in the amount of two hundred to five hundred minimum wages
  • or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to five months,
  • or correctional labor for a period of six months to one year,
  • or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.

2. The same act, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or by an organized group or by a person using his official position, as well as having access to a computer, a computer system or their network, is punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles or the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or compulsory work for a period of one hundred eighty to two hundred and forty hours, or correctional labor for a period of up to two years, or arrest for a period of three to six months, or deprivation freedom for up to five years.

Article 273. Creation, use and distribution of malicious computer programs

Creating computer programs or making changes to existing programs, knowingly leading to unauthorized destruction, blocking, modification or copying of information, disruption of computer operation, as well as the use or distribution of such programs or computer media with such programs, is punishable

  • imprisonment for a term of up to three years with a fine in the amount of two hundred to five hundred times the minimum wage
  • or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to five months. The same acts that entail grave consequences are punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to seven years.

Article 274. Violation of the rules for operating computers, computer systems or their networks

1. Violation of the rules for operating a computer by a person who has access to the computer, resulting in the destruction, blocking or modification of computer information protected by law, if this act caused significant harm, is punishable

  • deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to five years,
  • or compulsory work for a period of one hundred eighty to two hundred and forty hours,
  • or restriction of freedom for up to two years.

2. The same act, which has caused grave consequences through negligence, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to four years.

  • By fingerprints,
  • According to the characteristics of speech,
  • According to the geometry of the palms of the hands,
  • According to the face image,
  • Along the iris of the eye.


It was announced in 1988 by the Computer Hardware Association to once again remind all users of the need to maintain the protection of their computers and the information stored on them.

That year, for the first time, computers were attacked by the Morris worm, as a result of which 6 thousand nodes of the predecessor of the Internet, the ARPANET network, were infected. This attack caused $96 million in damage. The author of this virus might not have been found, but Robert Morris, a graduate student at Cornell University, was forced to confess by his own father. Morris received a suspended sentence of 3 years and 400 hours of community service. He also paid a $10,500 fine. Since in 1988 it was the first mass epidemic to affect computers, experts began to seriously think about an integrated approach to ensuring the security of information resources.

What is the best way to choose components for a password?

  • Do not use a password that is a dictionary word.
  • If possible, you can use punctuation marks.
  • You can use lowercase and uppercase characters, as well as numbers from 0 to 9.
  • The optimal number of numbers (letters) for composing a password is from 8 to 10.
  • Use the last characters from a list of numbers, symbols, or alphabet.
  • Beware of interceptor programs.

“If you do not provide information within a week, you will be blocked”

“If you want to protect yourself from phishing, follow this link and enter your username and password”

Phishing is a type of Internet fraud whose goal is to obtain identified user data.

  • How can you register your copyright for a software product?
  • Why is software piracy harmful to society?
  • What software and hardware methods of protecting information exist?

SECURITY The security of an information system is a property that consists in the ability of the system to ensure its normal functioning, that is, to ensure the integrity and secrecy of information. To ensure the integrity and confidentiality of information, it is necessary to protect information from accidental destruction or unauthorized access to it.

THREATS There are many possible directions for information leakage and ways of unauthorized access to it in systems and networks: interception of information; modification of information (the original message or document is changed or replaced by another and sent to the addressee); substitution of information authorship (someone may send a letter or document on your behalf); exploitation of deficiencies in operating systems and application software; copying storage media and files bypassing security measures; illegal connection to equipment and communication lines; masquerading as a registered user and appropriating his powers; introduction of new users; introduction of computer viruses and so on.

PROTECTION The means of protecting IP information from the actions of subjects include: means of protecting information from unauthorized access; protection of information in computer networks; cryptographic information protection; electronic digital signature; protecting information from computer viruses.

UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS Gaining access to information system resources involves performing three procedures: identification, authentication and authorization. Identification - assigning unique names and codes (identifiers) to the user (resource object or subject). Authentication - establishing the identity of the user who provided the identifier or verifying that the person or device providing the identifier is actually who it claims to be. The most common method of authentication is to assign the user a password and store it on the computer. Authorization is a check of authority or verification of a user's right to access specific resources and perform certain operations on them. Authorization is carried out to differentiate access rights to network and computer resources.

COMPUTER NETWORKS Local enterprise networks are very often connected to the Internet. To protect local networks of companies, as a rule, firewalls are used. A firewall is a means of access control that allows you to divide a network into two parts (the border runs between the local network and the Internet) and create a set of rules that determine the conditions for the passage of packets from one part to the other. Screens can be implemented either in hardware or software.

CRYPTOGRAPHY To ensure the secrecy of information, encryption or cryptography is used. Encryption uses an algorithm or device that implements a specific algorithm. Encryption is controlled using a changing key code. Encrypted information can only be retrieved using a key. Cryptography is a very effective method that increases the security of data transmission on computer networks and when exchanging information between remote computers.

ELECTRONIC DIGITAL SIGNATURE To exclude the possibility of modification of the original message or substitution of this message for others, it is necessary to transmit the message along with an electronic signature. An electronic digital signature is a sequence of characters obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of the original message using a private key and allowing one to determine the integrity of the message and its authorship using a public key. In other words, a message encrypted using a private key is called an electronic digital signature. The sender transmits the unencrypted message in its original form along with a digital signature. The recipient, using the public key, decrypts the message character set from the digital signature and compares it with the unencrypted message character set. If the characters completely match, we can say that the received message has not been modified and belongs to its author.

ANTI-VIRUSES A computer virus is a small malicious program that can independently create copies of itself and inject them into programs (executable files), documents, boot sectors of storage media and spread over communication channels. Depending on the environment, the main types of computer viruses are: Software viruses (attack files with the extension .COM and .EXE) Boot viruses. Macroviruses. Network viruses. Removable media and telecommunication systems can be sources of virus infection. The most effective and popular anti-virus programs include: Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0, AVAST, Norton AntiVirus and many others.

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Completed by: student group 23 Gubanova E. Ya. Checked by: Turusinova I. P. Yoshkar-Ola, 2015

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Contents Unauthorized access Information security tools Biometric protection systems Methods of protection against malware Data backup and recovery Hacker utilities and protection against them Conclusion

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Unauthorized access Unauthorized access is actions that violate the established access procedure or demarcation rules; access to programs and data is obtained by subscribers who have not been registered and do not have the right to familiarize themselves with or work with these resources. Access control is implemented to prevent unauthorized access.

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Protection using passwords Passwords are used to protect against unauthorized access to programs and data stored on the computer. The computer allows access to its resources only to those users who are registered and have entered the correct password. Each specific user may be allowed access only to certain information resources. In this case, all unauthorized access attempts can be recorded.

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Password Protection Password protection is used when booting the operating system. Password login can be set in the BIOS Setup program, the computer will not boot into the operating system unless the correct password is entered. It is not easy to overcome such a defense. The following can be protected from unauthorized access: drives, folders, files of the local computer. Certain access rights can be set for them: full access, the ability to make changes, read only, write, etc.

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Information protection is an activity aimed at preventing information leakage, unauthorized and unintentional impacts on information

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Information security tools Information security tools are a set of engineering, technical, electronic, and other devices and devices used to solve various problems of information protection, including preventing leaks and ensuring the security of protected information. Information security tools are divided into: Technical (hardware) tools Software tools Organizational tools

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Technical (hardware) devices These are devices of various types that solve information security problems with hardware. They prevent physical penetration and access to information, including through its disguise. The first part of the problem is solved by locks, window bars, security alarms, etc. The second part is solved by noise generators, surge protectors, scanning radios and many other devices that “block” potential channels of information leakage or allow them to be detected.

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Software tools Software tools include programs for user identification, access control, information encryption, removal of residual information such as temporary files, test control of the security system, etc.

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Organizational means Organizational means consist of organizational and technical (preparing premises with computers, laying a cable system, taking into account the requirements for limiting access to it, etc.) and organizational and legal.

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Biometric protection systems Biometric identification systems are used to protect against unauthorized access to information. The characteristics used in these systems are integral qualities of a person’s personality and therefore cannot be lost or counterfeited. Biometric information security systems include identification systems: by fingerprints; according to speech characteristics; along the iris of the eye; by facial image; according to the geometry of the palm of the hand.

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Fingerprint identification Optical fingerprint scanners are installed on laptops, mice, keyboards, flash drives, and are also used as separate external devices and terminals (for example, in airports and banks). If the fingerprint pattern does not match the pattern of the user admitted to the information, then access to the information is impossible.

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Identification by speech characteristics Identification of a person by voice is one of the traditional methods of recognition; interest in this method is also associated with forecasts for the introduction of voice interfaces into operating systems. Voice identification is contactless and there are systems for restricting access to information based on frequency analysis of speech.

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Identification by the iris of the eye For identification by the iris of the eye, special scanners connected to a computer are used. The iris of the eye is a unique biometric characteristic for each person. The eye image is extracted from the face image and a special barcode mask is applied to it. The result is a matrix that is individual for each person.

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Identification by facial image Facial recognition technologies are often used to identify individuals. Person recognition occurs at a distance. Identification features take into account the shape of the face, its color, and hair color. Important features also include the coordinates of facial points in places corresponding to changes in contrast (eyebrows, eyes, nose, ears, mouth and oval). Currently, the issuance of new international passports is beginning, the microchip of which stores a digital photograph of the owner.

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Identification by the palm of the hand In biometrics, for identification purposes, the simple geometry of the hand is used - size and shape, as well as some information signs on the back of the hand (images on the folds between the phalanges of the fingers, patterns of the location of blood vessels). Palm identification scanners are installed in some airports, banks and nuclear power plants.

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Other identification methods use habitoscopy (three-dimensional image of the face) - Nvisage - developed by Cambridge Neurodynamics EyeDentify's ICAM 2001 device - measures the properties of the retina of the eye - eSign - a program for identifying a digital signature identification by the structure and relative position of the blood vessels of the hand complex system "One-on" -one Facial Recognition"

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Digital (electronic) signature eSign is a signature identification program that uses a special digital pen and electronic pad to register a signature. During the registration process, eSign remembers not only the signature image itself, but also the dynamics of the pen movement. eSign analyzes a number of parameters, including general characteristics of a particular person’s handwriting.

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Malware is a malicious program, that is, a program created with malicious intent or evil intentions. Antiviruses are used to protect against malware. The reason for the penetration of viruses onto computers protected by antivirus can be: the antivirus was disabled by the user; antivirus databases were too old; weak security settings were set; the virus used an infection technology against which the antivirus had no means of protection; the virus got onto the computer before the antivirus was installed and was able to neutralize the antivirus; it was a new virus for which anti-virus databases had not yet been released. Methods of protection against malware

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Anti-virus programs Modern anti-virus programs provide comprehensive protection of programs and data on the computer from all types of malicious programs and methods of their penetration into the computer: Internet, local network, e-mail, removable storage media. The operating principle of antivirus programs is based on scanning files, boot sectors of disks and RAM and searching for known and new malicious programs in them.

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Anti-virus programs The anti-virus monitor starts automatically when the operating system starts. Its main task is to provide maximum protection against malware with minimal slowdown of the computer. The anti-virus scanner is launched according to a pre-selected schedule or at any time by the user. The anti-virus scanner searches for malware in RAM, as well as on computer hard drives and network drives.

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Data backup and recovery Backup is the process of creating a copy of data on a medium designed to restore data to its original or new location in the event of damage or destruction. Data recovery is a procedure for retrieving information from a storage device when it cannot be read in the usual way.

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Hacker utilities and protection against them Network attacks on remote servers are carried out using special programs that send numerous requests to them. This causes the server to hang if the resources of the attacked server are insufficient to process all incoming requests. Some hacking tools implement fatal network attacks. Such utilities exploit vulnerabilities in operating systems and applications and send specially crafted requests to attacked computers on the network. As a result, a special type of network request causes a critical error in the attacked application, and the system stops working. Protection against hacker attacks of network worms and Trojans Protection of computer networks or individual computers from unauthorized access can be carried out using a firewall. A firewall allows you to: block hacker DoS attacks by preventing network packets from certain servers from entering the protected computer; prevent network worms from penetrating the protected computer; prevent Trojan programs from sending confidential information about the user and computer.

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Types and methods of information protection From deliberate distortion, vandalism (computer viruses) General methods of information protection; preventive measures; use of anti-virus programs From unauthorized (illegal) access to information (its use, modification, distribution) Encryption; password protection; "electronic locks"; a set of administrative and law enforcement measures Type of protection Method of protection

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I would like to hope that the information security system being created in the country and the formation of a set of measures for its implementation will not lead to irreversible consequences on the path of the information and intellectual unification that is emerging in Russia with the whole world. Conclusion Information today is expensive and must be protected. The widespread use of personal computers, unfortunately, turned out to be associated with the emergence of self-replicating virus programs that interfere with the normal operation of the computer, destroy the file structure of disks and damage the information stored on the computer.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Topic: Protection from unauthorized access to information KOU VO “Evening (shift) secondary school No. 2” Ustyuzhna Completed by: Shcheglova L.A.

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Basic concepts Information security is a set of measures aimed at ensuring information security. Information security – protecting the integrity, availability and confidentiality of information. accessibility - the ability to obtain the required information service in a reasonable time. Integrity - the relevance and consistency of information, its protection from destruction and unauthorized changes. Confidentiality - protection from unauthorized access to information.

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Information security is the state of security of the information environment. In computer technology, the concept of security implies the reliability of the computer, the safety of valuable data, the protection of information from changes to it by unauthorized persons, and the preservation of the secrecy of correspondence in electronic communications. In all civilized countries, there are laws on the safety of citizens; the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection” (with amendments and additions) is used to protect information, but still the reliability of computer systems rely heavily on self-defense measures.

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Unauthorized access Unauthorized access is actions that violate the established access procedure or demarcation rules; access to programs and data is obtained by subscribers who have not been registered and do not have the right to familiarize themselves with or work with these resources. Access control is implemented to prevent unauthorized access.

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Protection using passwords Passwords are used to protect against unauthorized access to programs and data stored on the computer. The computer allows access to its resources only to those users who are registered and have entered the correct password. Each specific user may be allowed access only to certain information resources. In this case, all unauthorized access attempts can be recorded.

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Password protection is used when booting the operating system. Password login can be set in the BIOS Setup program, the computer will not boot into the operating system unless the correct password is entered. It is not easy to overcome such a defense.

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Every disk, every folder, every file on your local computer can be protected from unauthorized access. Certain access rights can be set for them: full access, the ability to make changes, read only, write, etc. The rights can be different for different users.

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What is a password? “A password is a secret set of various characters that allows you to identify the legitimate user and his rights to work in a computer system.” The general idea is this: the best password is a random and meaningless set of characters. Keep your password in a safe place. Change your passwords regularly. This may confuse attackers. The stronger the password, the longer you can use it. A password of 8 or fewer characters can be used for a week, while a combination of 14 or more characters can last for several years.

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Biometric security systems Currently, biometric identification systems are increasingly used to protect against unauthorized access to information. Biometric identification is a method of identifying a person by certain specific biometric characteristics (identifiers) inherent to a particular person. Methods of biometric identification are divided into two groups: Static methods Dynamic methods using fingerprints; according to the geometry of the palm of the hand According to handwriting. This technology is becoming a very popular alternative to hand painting. Dynamic signs of writing are analyzed - the degree of pressure, the speed of writing on the iris of the eye; by facial image; By voice. Constructing a voice identification code, as a rule, these are various combinations of frequency and statistical characteristics of the voice

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Fingerprint identification Optical fingerprint scanners are installed on laptops, mice, keyboards, flash drives, and are also used as separate external devices and terminals (for example, in airports and banks). If the fingerprint pattern does not match the pattern of the user admitted to the information, then access to the information is impossible.

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Identification by the palm of the hand In biometrics, for identification purposes, the simple geometry of the hand is used - size and shape, as well as some information signs on the back of the hand (images on the folds between the phalanges of the fingers, patterns of the location of blood vessels). Palm identification scanners are installed in some airports, banks and nuclear power plants.

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Identification by the iris of the eye For identification by the iris of the eye, special scanners connected to a computer are used. The iris of the eye is a unique biometric characteristic for each person. The eye image is isolated from the face image and a special barcode mask is applied to it. The result is a matrix that is individual for each person.

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Identification by facial image Facial recognition technologies are often used to identify individuals. Person recognition occurs at a distance. Identification features take into account the shape of the face, its color, and hair color. Currently, the issuance of new international passports is beginning, in the microcircuit of which a digital photograph of the owner is stored. Important features also include the coordinates of facial points in places corresponding to changes in contrast (eyebrows, eyes, nose, ears, mouth and oval).

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Until recently, it was believed that the most reliable method of biometric identification and personal authentication was a method based on scanning the retina. It contains the best features of iris and arm vein identification. The scanner reads the pattern of capillaries on the surface of the retina. The retina has a fixed structure, unchanged over time except as a result of an eye disease such as cataracts. Unfortunately, a number of difficulties arise when using this biometric method. The scanner here is a very complex optical system, and the person must not move for a considerable time while the system is aimed, which causes unpleasant sensations.

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Dynamic identification methods - using handwritten text Manufacturers of biometric equipment are trying to create reliable face identification systems using dynamic characteristics. Additional hardware for such systems is cheaper than fingerprint or iris scanners. Personal identification systems based on the dynamics of reproducing handwritten passwords (signatures) are very convenient and promising in their class.