Computer shortcut to windows 7 desktop. How to add a shortcut to my computer. Quick access to personalization

How do I add my computer to my Windows 10 desktop? Many users ask this question after installing or reinstalling the operating systems Windows 8, 8.1, 10.

In Windows XP and 7, my computer icon could be added from the Start menu. In subsequent systems, bringing it to dekstop can be done using a different algorithm of actions. Read this post to the end and you will learn how to do it on the top ten.

Adding a computer shortcut

In my opinion, the fastest and easiest way is to add a shortcut to my computer on the desktop. How to do it? If you don’t have it yet, then on your desktop, near the Start Menu, click on the Explorer folder.

On the left we find This computer, click on it with the left mouse button, hold the button, drag it to an empty space on the desktop (create a link).

We have a shortcut - This computer.

We open a new shortcut, look at its clickability and performance.

Video tutorial - how to add a shortcut to dekstop

Full icon for this computer

The procedure is quick and not complicated, anyone can do it. To add a new and full-fledged PC icon, go to the Start Menu.

Then personalization (background, lock screen).

Go to themes and desktop icon settings.

Place a checkmark next to the desired desktop icons. You can change icons, and also give permission to themes to change icons on the desktop. Once selected, click Apply and OK.

For my work, I only need three computer icons, the recycle bin and the control panel; I hardly use the other two. You can make your choice.

Quick access to personalization

The second way to get into personalization is very simple and fast. Right-click on a free space on the desktop and go to personalization in the pop-up menu.

The third way is through Windows search. Click on the magnifying glass in the lower left corner of the monitor, near the start menu.

To find the files, applications and settings you need, start typing the names you need, for example, personalization.

We get to the home page - control panels, design and personalization.

In the upper left corner we proceed to changing the desktop icons.

Quickly launch desktop icon settings

If you often change elements on your desktop and need to quickly get to its settings, then you need to follow these steps.

Open the Run window, press the keyboard shortcut . You may be interested in the information.

The Run window appears. Enter the name of the command, folder, program, document or Internet resource that you want to open.

Type the following text<Rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,5,> and click OK.

Desktop icon


Today we learned how to add a shortcut and my computer icon to the desktop in Windows 10. We learned several ways to quickly get into the personalization and settings of desktop icons. I hope the information was useful to you.

You may have questions related to dekstop icons. You can ask them below in the comments to this article, and also use the form with me.

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It is much more convenient when the computer icon is located directly on the desktop. This was the case in previous versions of Windows, and many users are accustomed to seeing it there. Although I agree that it is necessary to hide such folders from novice users, otherwise they can make such a mess that “Mom, don’t worry!” For some reason, some people think that it is in the “My Computer” folder that they should save their files.

I had a chief accountant at work, and she did such a thing in this folder that after she left, I had to tear down the entire system. Some smart guy taught her to save all the files there, and over time, these files became so intertwined with the system files that if one of them was deleted, programs such as 1C and many others stopped working. But it was still tolerable.

But more than a hundred mini-games among the system files - this was no longer possible. And her computer was something like a server for the 1C accounting program. The chief accountant constantly went to the boss and complained to the programmers that her computer was freezing and working poorly, although it was her computer that was the most powerful in our organization. The most interesting thing is that she, like a Cerberus, did not let our programmers near it, and demanded that every year we buy her a new and more powerful one. And the authorities indulged her in this.

This is probably why Microsoft decided to remove this folder out of sight, so that people would not wander around and spoil the nerves of themselves and others.

And yet, for those who understand what they are doing, the folder icon My computer, it is better to display it directly on the desktop. I will now tell and show you how to do this in Windows 7 and Windows 10.

How to display the Computer icon on the desktop inWindows 7

In the same window Desktop Icon Options you can change the icon. To do this you need to click on the button Change icon, and select another icon.

How to display the This PC icon on your desktopWindows 10

To display the icon This computer on the desktop.

I think anyone who uses a computer and works with the Windows operating system for more than several years is accustomed to the fact that there is always a “My Computer” shortcut on the desktop, and many other useful shortcuts. But a problem has appeared in Windows 10 that after installing the system, the “My Computer” shortcut is often not on the desktop!

Then, let’s add it ourselves - for this: open Start-> Explorer-> And drag the “This PC” icon to the desktop:

Ready. You now have a My Computer shortcut on your desktop. But there is one problem, on Windows 7 and below, when you right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut and go to “Properties,” it displays all the basic information about your computer. This doesn't happen here!

Let's fix this:

  • Click on an empty space on the desktop to open the context menu;
  • Next "Personalization";
  • Then "Themes and Options" desktop icons;
  • And just put a tick on the “This computer” icon.

Ready! Now you can see information about your computer in the "Properties" item.

The “My Computer” icon gives us quick access to a hard drive (or solid-state drive), flash drives, etc. However, if you are one of the users who have nothing unnecessary on their desktop, then you can easily afford to place shortcuts for various programs. To do this, we suggest using the method proposed in this article.

Using this method, you can add shortcuts to frequently used programs to the My Computer menu. This means you'll have quick access to programs or folders, as well as quickly switch between tabs in Windows Explorer.

Adding software shortcuts to My Computer

You need to start by opening a special folder. The shortcuts you place in it will appear in the My Computer menu.

Press the Windows key + R, enter "%appdata%" and click OK.

Then go to Microsoft>Windows>Network Shortcuts. The software shortcuts you add here will appear in My Computer, that's all.

After you send the desired shortcuts to this folder, the corresponding shortcuts will appear in the My Computer menu.

Adding folder shortcuts to My Computer

You can add any shortcut, and a folder shortcut is no exception. This can be done easily and simply: right-click on a frequently used folder and select “Create shortcut”.

Now you just need to cut (Ctrl+X) the created shortcut and paste (Ctrl+V) into the “Network Shortcuts” folder (as in the previous case).

Adding Control Panel shortcuts

Among other things, you can get quick access to frequently used control panel shortcuts. All you have to do is drag the desired one from the control panel into the “Network Shortcuts” folder.

This is what you will end up with when all the shortcuts are added:

Now “My Computer” contains all the shortcuts that you often use, which will significantly speed up your work and save your time spent on the computer.