What is Hot Spot and how to use it correctly? How to create a Wi-Fi hotspot (mobile hotspot) in Windows

The latest versions of laptops have enormous hardware power, but few people know how to fully use the software component of their PC. Now almost all computer devices can distribute the Internet to other devices. This function can be useful when using several gadgets or when the data package on your smartphone runs out. Therefore, it is worth considering how to properly use the modem mode so that everything works without problems and failures. Note that the described steps apply to wired Internet, modems operating over 3G and LTE, and even Wi-Fi (the latter is activated exclusively in the 10th iteration of Windows).

How to set up a mobile hotspot in Windows 10

The latest version of Microsoft's OS has added the function of distributing the Internet to other devices that do not have access to the network. This feature is called “Mobile Hotspot” and can be found by looking in the OS settings or by clicking: Win+I and going to the Internet and Networks section. To activate, just move the toggle switch to the “On” position. For detailed settings, you can come up with a network name and password for it. After entering this information, data transfer via Wi-Fi to other devices will begin. Essentially, this is the easiest way to enable a hotspot. But there is also another method that will be useful in case of any problems with normal switching on. By the way, it works not only on Windows 10, but also on earlier versions of the system.

Can't set up mobile hotspot in Windows 10

First you need to check the possibility of distribution. You should run the console in administrator mode. This is done in several ways, for example, by pressing a keyboard shortcut Win+R and entering the command cmd or by right-clicking on the start menu and selecting the required item from the pop-up menu.

In the terminal you need to type: . There will be a lot of service text about the network driver, a useful line is “Hosted Network Support”. The “Yes” flag should be set there, if so, then everything is fine, let’s move on. Otherwise, you should update the drivers for the wireless network adapter. It is recommended to carry out this procedure from the website of the company that produced the PC or driver. After this, you should repeat the Hosted Network check.

But the problems may not be solved. For some users, rolling back the driver to a previous version may work. You can do this in Device Manager by launching it by clicking “Start”. Next, you need to find the network adapters settings and select the desired device. After this, you should click on it and go to properties, in the menu that appears there will be a “Driver” item, there you need to roll back. After this, you need to check the support status of the hosted network again. Its support is extremely important for the operation of the hotspot, otherwise nothing will turn on.

We carry out subsequent actions again in the console. You need to print the line: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=example key=test

In this team " example" - this is a made-up name for Wi-Fi, any name can be set; " test" - the password for the created WLAN, also any, but without using the Cyrillic alphabet (for better protection, it is preferable to set a password of 8 or more characters).

After these steps, you should enter the following line: netsh wlan start hostednetwork.

When finished, a message indicating that the hotspot has been activated will appear. But you won’t be able to use the created Wi-Fi yet. If a notification appears about the unsuccessful launch of the distribution (even if everything was fine in the early steps of the instructions), then you should disable the Wi-Fi adapter and then activate it again. An alternative method is to remove it and update the hardware configuration. In addition, you should try to find the “View” section in the device manager and display hidden objects. Next, you need to find the sub-item for the virtual adapter in the “Network adapters” item and enable it there.

To activate connection access, you need to click “Start” and go to settings. In the drop-down list, you need to find the Wi-Fi that was previously created. Next, in the properties, you need to enable access settings. You need to enable permission to use the connection by other users. If there are home network connections, you must select a new connection after activating the hosted network.

When finished, you need to complete the configuration of the steps taken by pressing a special button. If no errors occurred during activation and setup, then you can now distribute Wi-Fi using a PC to any gadgets and devices.

To disable a personal hotspot, you need to launch a terminal and enter there: netsh wlan stop hostednetwork. You can also disable it in Windows 10 settings by moving the toggle switch to the appropriate position. If the situation does not require it, you should enable distribution only through Windows settings.

A mobile hotspot is an Internet access point that is created on the basis of your Windows 10 computer. Many people don’t know what it is, how to use it, or even how to turn it on.

Let's start with the basics - hot spot comes from the term hotspot, hot spot. In the context of the Internet, this means using some kind of device to distribute access to the network. Sharing, in this context, is when one device literally “shares” with another device. For example, if you have wired access on your PC and at the same time have a Wi-Fi module, then at the same time you can “distribute” the Internet, and for this you need that same hotspot.

We understand why this topic raises so many questions, because such functionality was not available in all OS builds until Microsoft released it about a year ago, which brought this feature to all devices. And indiscriminately - even in those where there is no hardware support.

The functionality is available in the wireless connections tab at the bottom right of the screen. If, of course, you left the location of the main control panel unchanged. The functionality is also available through the Control Panel, and this is where you can make all the settings.

In this section you can enable or disable Internet distribution.

How to distribute the Internet from a computer on Windows 10

Firstly, you need . This is especially true for those who installed their Windows before 2016, when there was no trace of such functionality. After the update, a reboot will occur, and then you need to go to the section in the Control Panel indicated above.

Here you can set the parameters:

  • Enable or disable;
  • Change password;
  • Replace network name;

The network name is what other wireless devices will see. Please note that the entire system only works with them. If you want to perform this operation with wired devices, then, unfortunately, nothing will work out.

The default password can be changed to any one that is more convenient for you. We recommend not removing it completely, although there is such an option. In this case, anyone can connect to your network, and this is fraught with consequences. For example, a loss of connection speed or even a complete consumption of traffic. If you sit without a password, then even if you have super fast access, it will not help you. Good neighbors will probably take advantage of your stupidity.

The most common problem is that it is impossible to distribute the Internet. And it is connected precisely with the technical part, and not with the software. In this case, you probably simply do not have the hardware. That is, you do not have a Wi-Fi module. But in the case of a hotspot, everything is directly tied to it. And the solution here is one and as simple as possible: buy a module. It can be purchased either externally - in flash drive format, or internally, which will be installed inside the system unit. Both options are optimal - choose whichever is more convenient for you.

The second problem is that there is a module, for example, we are talking about a laptop, but there is no hotspot button itself. It's the other way around, it's a software problem. You need to update to OS version no lower than 1607, since anything earlier simply does not include such functionality.

The second solution to this problem is to download a third-party solution. For example, mHotspot and or others. There are many such solutions and are in no way inferior to the official one, but you still need to update, so it’s easier to update than to face similar and other problems.

In conclusion, let's say that hotspot on Windows 10 is a long-awaited feature that appeared thanks to Microsoft and its strategy: distributing this functionality due to its focus on tablets and laptops. If the company didn’t have such a vision, we probably wouldn’t have seen such standard functionality for a very long time. I would like to believe that Microsoft will continue to develop the Internet on its devices, and in the near future we will not need to download other utilities of this kind.

Translated from English, hot spot means hot spot. It is created in one place using some kind of participatory technology (laptop, smartphone or even tablet equipped with a Wi-Fi module). Thus, the user can go online wherever he is with just one device.

In simpler terms, this is a feature that allows, for example, your Android phone to act as a Wi-Fi access points. That is distribute Internet or just a network for other portable devices.

This technology has a lot benefits. For example, such as:

  • The technology is completely wireless which ensures its mobility and versatility. You can access the global web from almost every device.
  • High speed data transfer, fast connection and easy use, which even a novice user of smart technology can understand.
  • Use similar wireless connection convenient under any circumstances, even when roaming.

It should be remembered that the more devices are connected to the access point, the greater the load created.

Working method

The operating principle of this technology is quite simple. Necessary activate the corresponding menu item in the settings of your gadget, and using the built-in Wi-Fi module it will start distribute wireless connection.

As mentioned above, if a large number of gadgets are connected, then the access point will work slowly, or generally, intermittently. This is due to the fact that the module installed in portable devices is several times weaker than those installed on stationary routers. Therefore, in crowded places (for example, a coffee shop), several hot spot networks are used.

How to set up a hotspot

There are quite a lot programs, which are necessary for distribution activation wireless access point. A rather striking representative of this family is the program mhotspot.

- that's pretty simple to use a utility that allows you to turn any portable gadget into a portable access point (for this you must have a Wi-Fi module).

Main advantage programs are hers simple interface, uninterrupted work and lots settings(they are all located in the system curtain, from where they can be easily called up). To activate the software, the user only needs to come up with Name for your hot spot and enter password or leave the point open. You can also specify the allowed number of connections (no more than 10 devices).

When you open the application, it displays quantity connected gadgets, information about the total amount of data used, as well as information about speed downloads.

Mobile hot spot in windows 10

With the arrival of a new version of the operating system, laptop owners have the opportunity to make a hot stop out of their gadget without use additional software. To do this you will need:

  1. Open menu start- go to parameters.
  2. Next, you need to open a tab with the name Network and Internet and in the side field you need to select the item mobile hot spot.

This software feature of Windows 10 appeared not with the first version of the update, but with the arrival of OS version number 1607. Therefore, if you do not have this menu item, then simply install the latest updates for your operating system.

Modern laptops and personal computers have multiple functions that are not fully used by personal computer users.

Many computers and laptops have the ability to transfer the Internet to other devices. You can use this opportunity when several devices are used, or when the Internet traffic on the phone runs out.

In this regard, users need to know how to use modem mode on their computer. Next, we will consider a detailed algorithm of actions that must be taken to activate the hot-stop function, both for regular wired and wireless Internet.

Today, almost every basic software has a “Mobile Hot Stop”, that is, the ability to transfer the Internet to devices that do not have a network connection. To access this function, you need to simultaneously press the Win+I keys, switch to the “Internet and Networks” tab, or in the operating system settings – to the same tab. In order for the function to start working, you must click “Enabled”. For deeper settings, you need to set the name of the network and create a password. When all the necessary data is entered and the function is enabled, Wi-Fi distribution begins. This is the simplest method of activating a hotspot. If you have problems with activation, you can use another method that applies to all versions of Windows.

First of all, you need to look at the possibility of distribution. To do this, you will need to enable the device as an administrator. This can be done using two simple manipulations: either by pressing the Win+R combination and typing cmd, or by going to the main menu and selecting the required section in the window that opens.

In the terminal that opens, you need to specify 9copy-paste): netsh wlan show drivers. Information about the network driver will appear on the screen, where you need to select the line “Hosted Network Support”. See if the “Yes” checkbox is checked. If the checkbox is checked, then everything is fine, you can move on to the next step. If not, then you need to download the update for the wireless network adapter driver from the manufacturer's official website, and then test the Hosted Network again.

This does not help solve the problem in all cases, so there is also an action to roll back the driver to the previous variation. You can change the situation using the device manager. In the main menu of the Windows system, go to the network adapter settings and select the device, click on it and select the properties line. Next, click “Driver” and perform a rollback. Then re-test the functionality of network support. This is necessary for the normal functioning of the hotspot.

We perform all further operations in the console. First, we write there: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=example key=test, where “example” is the fictitious name of Wi-Fi, “test” is the password, or code, for the new WLAN. For increased protection, the code must contain at least 8 characters in Latin letters and numbers.

After all actions are completed, a notification will appear informing you that the hotspot has been enabled. At this stage, not all actions have been completed; Wi-Fi is not yet ready for use. If a notification appears about an unsuccessful attempt to activate the distribution (even if the entire algorithm was executed correctly), you need to turn off the Wi-Fi adapter and then turn it on again. Another way is to delete it and then resume the device configuration. Among other things, it is possible, through the device manager, to go to the “View” subsection and activate the “show hidden objects” line. In the “Network adapters” line, find the item for a possible adapter and activate it.

To enable access to the connection, you need to go to the main menu and select settings there. In the window that opens, find the Wi-Fi that was created before. In properties, activate access settings, and then allow connection to all users. When establishing a connection to your home network, determine the updated connections after turning on the hosted network.

To disable the hotspot, enter the line in the terminal: netsh wlan stop hostednetwork, or use the Windows 10 settings by moving the switch to the opposite place. When turning distribution on and off, the priority remains the method through the main Windows menu.

Windows allows you to turn your computer into an access point, i.e. act as a Wi-Fi router that provides an Internet connection to any Wi-Fi-enabled device.

This can be useful, for example, when you only have one wired connection and you need to provide an Internet connection to all your gadgets.

Another application option is to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal: usually computers have more powerful Wi-Fi receivers that “see” and can work with wireless networks remote over significant distances, which phones simply cannot see. You can try connecting your computer to a distant wireless network, and create a new Wi-Fi for your gadgets so that they connect to it.

Regardless of your goals, there are at least three ways to create your own Wi-Fi network in Windows:

  • in the Windows settings menu (only suitable for the latest versions of Windows 10)
  • in the Windows command line (suitable for Windows 7/8/10)
  • using third-party programs (suitable for Windows 7/8/10)

Regardless of the method chosen, they all have one limitation - you cannot create an open access point, i.e. Wi-Fi network that you can connect to without a password. However, there are still options - details at the very end.

Setting up your Wi-Fi network in Windows

Starting with Windows 10 anniversary update build 1607, the settings item “ Mobile hotspot", he is responsible for creating his own Wi-Fi network. To get to it, click on the button Win, and then on Options:

Now tab Mobile hotspot:

If desired, you can change the network name and password:

When everything is ready, click the appropriate button:

Enable Wi-Fi network in Windows from the command line

The previous method is very simple, but like too simple things, it has some limitations: but it does not allow you to select a Wi-Fi adapter to create your wireless network (if you have several of them), it does not allow you to check whether your Wi-Fi card supports work in as an access point. The next method does not have these disadvantages.

To enter the following commands, open the Windows command prompt by clicking Win+x, and in the menu that appears, select “ Command Line (Administrator):

Now copy the following line there and press ENTER:

NETSH WLAN show drivers

Look for the inscription Hosted network support:

I have two Wi-Fi adapters and they both support this feature:

Those. should be written " Hosted network support: yes».

The command to start your own access point is:

NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Your_SSID key=Your_Password

In it Your_SSID replace with the name of your network, and Your password replace it with the password that users must enter when connecting to a wireless network.

For example, I want to create a network named SuperWiFi, with access password bestwifiever, then the command will look like this:

Now to activate the hosted network, run the command:

Now select the adapter that is used for the Internet connection, it may be Ethernet or Wireless network.

Right-click on the appropriate adapter and select Properties:

By the way, pay attention to the new Local Area Connection shortcut with the name of our Wi-Fi network:

Now go to the tab Access and check the box Allow other network users to use this computer's Internet connection. Then select the appropriate one from the drop-down list Connection:

Click OK to finish. Your Wi-Fi network is now connected to the Internet.

To disable your Wi-Fi access point, run the command:

NETSH WLAN stop hostednetwork

You can enable it at any time:

NETSH WLAN start hostednetwork

If you want to change the name, then use the following command (don't forget Your_new_SSID change to real name):

NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork ssid=Your_new_SSID

To change your password (don't forget Your new password change to real password):

NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork key=Your_new_password

To see the current AP settings, do:

NETSH WLAN show hostednetwork

The previous command will not show the password; to see the AP password, run:

NETSH WLAN show hostednetwork setting=security

Selecting an adapter to create a wireless network in Windows

Windows OS does not have an option to select the wireless adapter that will be used when creating a Wi-Fi network. However, this limitation can be circumvented. The algorithm is as follows:

1) we disable the first adapter

2) raises the Wi-Fi network (it will be launched on the second one, since the first one is currently unavailable)

3) turn on the first adapter

To do this, we need to know the name of the interface; we can look it up with the command:

NETSH WLAN show drivers

Interface Name: Wireless Network

Means the interface name is " Wireless network».

Use the following command(" Wireless network" replace with the name of your interface) to disable the adapter:

Netsh interface set interface name="Wireless Network" admin=disabled

Set up the wireless network settings (if you haven’t done so before)

Netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Network_name key=Password

In the previous command, replace Network_name And Password to the corresponding values, for example:

NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=SuperWiFi key=bestwifiever

Start the network:

Netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Now you can re-enable the first adapter (replace “Wireless Network” with the name of your adapter):

Netsh interface set interface name="Wireless Network" admin=enabled

Program for creating Wi-Fi in Windows

There are dozens of programs for Windows to create your own Wi-Fi network. And they all work on the same principle - they are a graphical interface for the above commands. Those. they don't add any functionality and have the same limitations.

After launching, the program will prompt you to enter the name of the Wi-Fi network and its password, and also select the adapter that will share the Internet connection:

No additional configuration required:

Creating a Wi-Fi network in Windows from a Linux virtual machine

This is an exotic method that requires an external (USB) Wi-Fi adapter and knowledge of the basics of working with Linux. Its essence lies in the fact that VirtualBox creates a virtual machine into which Linux is installed. An external Wi-Fi card is connected to the virtual machine. Then, using, for example, the create_ap program, an access point is created.

Despite the apparent confusion, the method is not that complicated. At the same time, it is possible to create open Wi-Fi networks, as well as freely choose which adapter you want to use.


In order to use the Wi-Fi network created in Windows, the computer must always be turned on; it should not be in sleep or hibernation mode.

The connection speed may be reduced compared to using a router as an access point.

However, sometimes Windows configured to create Wi-Fi can help in unusual or problematic situations when, without a router, you need to share one wired connection between several devices.